Hugh Hewitt on "The Blogosphere"
Hugh Hewitt brings attention to the blogs making a marked difference in the marginalization of the old media:
About Hugh Hewitt
Monday, September 13, 2004
Posted at 5:40 PM, Pacific
New posts of importance on the CBS melt-down at RatherBiased, Betsy'sPage, Aaron's Rantburg, Blackfive, RedState, CommandPost, Powerline, LGF, KerrySpot, Instapundit, and many others.
The most ominousof these posts, though, has to be from Pick and Choose, a new blog. Why "most ominous?" Because it is a new blog. Self-selected reinforcements are rushing to the front. They have talent. They have opinions. And they do have small audiences that will grow based upon their talent. CBS is static, constrained by budgets, hampered by quasi-tenured staffs and old hiring practices. Looking over their collective shoulders back at the suits, wondering if they are about to get thrown under the bus, this uncertain army of agenda journalists, exposed and suddenly under assault, look more and more like the Orcs when Theoden came over the hill in LOTR III.
About Hugh Hewitt
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