The Quintessential piece on Durbin
A lot of the republicans are asking the rhetorical question; "where are all the dems when it comes to denouncing the seditious antics of Dick Durbin on the Senate floor?" My question is, where are all the republicans demanding that he be censured? Wasn't Trent Lott censured for far less?? What gives here? There doesn't seem to be much outrage among the republicans and those who are raising a marginal ruckus are only asking for an apology and that Durbin's words be stricken from the Congressional record. What????? Those outrageously seditious words need to STAY on the Congressional record so that people can see what the dems of 2005 are all about. Why in the world are the republicans coddling Durbin? Why do they coddle ANY of the outrageously outspoken dems? When will the majority party start acting like the majority? The republicans are as culpable here as the democrats in the nonresponsive manner that they are dealing with this.
Mark Steyn has one of the best pieces on this issue. Be sure to read it. Here it is!
Mark Steyn has one of the best pieces on this issue. Be sure to read it. Here it is!
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