"The Democrat Death-Spiral"
There's an outstanding piece in The American Thinker by Thomas Lifson, which explains the modus operandi of the left. The crescendo of their caterwauling says much more about them than it does about the objects of their scorn:
Dems are very, very sensitive, quite understandably, to the notion that they are not pro-American. In fact, they constantly deny a lack of patriotism, even when nobody is questioning them on it. Psychology teaches us that when people fear their own imperfections, they project them upon others, attributing their own dark impulses to those who alarm them most.
To many, in their eagerness to reassure us (and them) that they are indeed patriots, they raise the same sort of question that occurs to the mind of an observer of someone always proclaiming that he is “not a racist.” Why the need to constantly deny it, when nobody else is raising the issue?
The American public may be inattentive from time-to-time, but they are not stupid. Everyone has the experience of people who project their weaknesses on others.
Most rank-and-file Democrats, like most Americans, are indeed patriotic folks. But there is a group among them which would rather see America face reversals, military, diplomatic, and economic, than see George W. Bush and the GOP get credit for successes. When they eagerly predict disaster, desperately search for and loudly proclaim the slightest evidence of failure, and then deny the existence of success when it stares the public straight in the face, one naturally wonders about what they are rooting for.
When they tells us the whole world is against us, despite the evidence of a genuine coaltion working together, and urge us to follow the likes of Jacques Chirac, who self-evidently wish us ill, then they raise uncomfortable questions about themselves.
The Democrat death-spiral continues. The FundieDem cult has taken the initiative, and become the public face of the party, and Party officials, anxious to keep the donations from them rolling in, dares not confront them. By their failure to upbraid their supporters' excesses, they condemn themselves to minority status.
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