Misleading OR misconscruing illegal immigration
What don't they get about "illegal?" Immigration isn't the problem...Illegal immigration IS! Just go through the process of LEGAL IMMIGRATION and you'll be welcome here like all who have come before you. What don't you get about that???? All we ask is that you do it LEGALLY and ACCULTURATE into OUR culture. Get legal and become Americans, OK? Don't sneak across the border and try to turn America into Mexico...that doesn't cut it.
We're the melting pot. Immigrants DID build this country. My maternal grandparents came here from Norway LEGALLY and learned the language on their own, without the help of the government. They put up with denigrating insults, worked hard, acculturated and became patriotic Americans. They didn't demand bi-lingual education, bi-lingual ballots, internationally understood signs, or any other help from the government. They didn't march so illegals would have more rights. They humbly got a job, and did what was expected of them; maybe far more! They didn't demand special rights. They were so damn grateful to be in America that they did whatever it took to become Americans!
But, alas, it's not the fault of the illegal immigrants. It's fully the fault of irresponsible politicians who either want the illegals to get on the government dole and vote for them or get hired by businesses who give big bucks to the incumbents. The problem is squarely on the shoulders of the incumbent politicians. Which is why it is incumbent upon us to let them know what we think about their inaction.
Remember how quickly they danced in the United Arab Emirates Ports deal? They couldn't move fast enough. What's the difference in this instance? Why aren't they responding like they did with the ports deal? The border problem has been simmering for years. There is no excuse for their inaction. WHY are they not doing ANYthing?
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