When Arguments Fail, Destroy the Opposition
The vast majority of Americans do not want Obamacare and it's no secret to anyone. The Leftist majority in Congress, the White House and the mainstream propaganda media know this to be true but they cannot defeat their opposition in the arena of ideas; no, they must instead seek to destroy them. Which is why there is so much caterwauling about Sarah Palin and the Tea Partiers.
The Leftists are deathly afraid of the exponential growth in the popularity of Palin and the Tea Party movement and they will stop at nothing to stop them. Their very survival depends on the destruction of their opponents because they cannot win an honest debate.
The above linked piece comes to us via the excellent reporting of Andrew Breitbart, who daily relegates the mainstream media to the propaganda heap that it has become. It's must reading and watching. The Left is not to be believed or trusted. They've long since perfected the travesty of projection; the act of blaming others of the very thing they are actively doing.
Please hit the link and read the entire piece. Breitbart is making a name for himself.
The Leftists are deathly afraid of the exponential growth in the popularity of Palin and the Tea Party movement and they will stop at nothing to stop them. Their very survival depends on the destruction of their opponents because they cannot win an honest debate.
The above linked piece comes to us via the excellent reporting of Andrew Breitbart, who daily relegates the mainstream media to the propaganda heap that it has become. It's must reading and watching. The Left is not to be believed or trusted. They've long since perfected the travesty of projection; the act of blaming others of the very thing they are actively doing.
Please hit the link and read the entire piece. Breitbart is making a name for himself.
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