Mainstream Media Will be Wondering What Happened
A myriad of other irrelevant excuses will be argued and sooner or later the point will be realized that the Traditional media (read MSM, Old Media, Lamestream Media, ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,NYT,WAPO,MACPAPER, or however you may contemptuously refer to them) fell way short in selling their liberal agenda to mainstream America. O' they did a superb sales job; it's just that America didn't buy it. That will make two humiliating defeats for the price of one!
The dems and the MSM...No longer the predominant force in America! That's the way we will be sizing things up shortly after the election.
Many have been observing that the U.S. has been swerving toward the right since Ronald Reagan and that the trend is continuing. There would have to be some qualifiers to that statement. It's my belief that society, in general has swerved way to the left and politicos reflect that move or mood.
Think about it. There are dyed in the wool conservatives, of which I am one, but the mainstream 'conservatives' these days (like President Bush, for example), are more like the liberals of JFK's day. And today's liberals have become socialists. That's why they have to run dishonest races. They can't reveal who they really are and what they really believe in.
But I endlessly digress...My main point was to feature the above linked article to reinforce the importance of the New Media in this election cycle. The internet, Fox News and Talk Radio are the New Media and they now predominate the diffusion of information.
It's a new era! Finally!