The Salt of the Earth
The goals of most professing Christians is to set a good example to everyone by living a good and decent life, whereby our light shines brightly to those living near and around us. In fact, the metaphor goes, that, like salt, society should actually enjoy having us around because we would, should and do make good neighbors. Who wants to live next door to a murderer or thief or someone who might put the make on your wife and kids? In other words, Christians participate in spreading the gospel by living exemplary lives (although we all fall woefully short of our expectations)."Recent studies indicate that half of the Christians in America are not even registered to vote, and of those that are, only half will go to the polls. In terms of numbers, 39 million Christians did not vote in 2002, and 24 million will not be able to vote in 2004 because they aren't registered. What a sad commentary! In our apparent unwillingness to bring our beliefs and values to bear upon the world around us, we run the risk of losing our ability to act as salt and light. I am reminded of Christ's words during the Sermon on the Mount: "Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves..."Mark 9:50a, NIV)."
So why would some refuse to vote when such issues as abortion, homosexual marriage, national sovereingty, higher taxes, the removal of every vestige of God in the public square and a multitude of other important issues are at stake? We are a country of laws and we, as citizens of this country have a God-given right and opportunity to participate in determining which laws may or may not be passed.
If you are a Christian and fret about crumbling societal ills and the on-going culture war, you can do something positive about it! You must do something about it! You need to become an active Christian soldier by simply participating in the voting process. Society NEEDS your participation!
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