Boortz: Why the Left denies 9-11 connection to Iraq
More thoughts about the president's speech at Ft. Bragg on Tuesday evening. Amazingly, the left now seems to have developed a new rule. The president is not allowed to mention the terrorist attacks of 9/11 when talking about the war in Iraq.
OK .. here's what's at work here. The left knows that the American people still harbor harsh feelings toward the Islamic terrorists who killed 3000 of their countrymen on 9/11. The left also knows that the American people will not have any kind feelings toward anyone with any connection, no matter how tenuos, with the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks. Since the left is placing its hopes on any possible electoral gains in 2006 to discrediting Bush's actions in Iraq, they know that they must stand steadfast in their battle to use whatever means necessary, even lies, to make sure that nobody -- and certainly not the president -- is allowed to connect Iraq and Saddam Hussein with Osama bin Laden or Al Qaeda.
Boortz also links to Andrew C. McCarthy's piece, It's All About 9-11! as well as anther NRO editorial, The Day that Binds. Must reads on this subject!
Be sure to check out the rest of Today's Nuze. Boortz always has good info. Wish we could hear him in Dallas.
For more essential data on the Iraq connection, go to Rush's site and view the two PDF pages from his July 2004 Newsletter which delineate the ties.