Donations Pour in
May God bless the victims and evacuees of Katrina and may God continue to bless those who are able to help.
"He who shall introduce into public affairs the principles of primitive Christianity will change the face of the world." Benjamin Franklin
The Salem Radio Network is working with the Feed The Children organization to get food, water, and other necessities to the gulf states ASAP. Go to their website to check them out. Charity watchdog, Charity Navigator, has given Feed the Children their highest 4 star rating. This is an organization you shouldn't have to worry about and it looks like the recipients will get a big bang for your buck. Send them what you can tonite. Here's how you can help!
Another great organization on which you can depend is The Salvation Army.
Glenn Reynolds has more places where you can donate at Instapundit.
Rush has an even more extensive list of charities who will accept donations.
There's a world of hurt in the path of Katrina. Situations in many areas are drastic and will no doubt grow worse as drinking water supplies run out and basic plumbing facilities are rendered useless.
Please find an organization with which you feel comfortable and help any way you are able as soon as possible.
These are the times when Americans pull together and gain strength in the process.
... sometimes interventions work and sometimes they don’t. There is no guarantee that the GOP leaders will get the message, either. Quite frankly, I am not optimistic because I’ve seen the Stan Evans Law in operation for too long. Evans is the retired conservative activist/journalist who years ago said: “When one of our people gets elected, sooner or later he [or she] stops being one of our people.”Can any true Goldwater or Reagan conservative, in good conscience, really think today's republican party is conservative? OK, we've gotten some tax relief and we've gotten some welfare reform. Those are good things. But look at the gigantic behemoth that is big government. Look at the wasted billions and billions going to the department of education which should have been abolished when Reagan was president. Would true conservatives allow such a debacle?
Being elected to Congress or appointed to a high position in the Executive Branch to serve in a presidential administration can be a heady experience. Especially for Members of Congress, the perks of office can be overwhelmingly beguiling, so after a term or two the first and last thoughts of too many of our representatives begin to be focused on getting re-elected. Playing along with the powers-that-be in D.C. is often seen as the easiest path to re-election.
No mincing words for Pat Buchanan when it comes to the national emergency at our borders. Specifically our southern border, though the northern border presents problems as well. This is a very strong piece for which Buchanan will be unduly criticized. Like it or not, he's spot on and our politicians owe us an answer and immediate solution. Read the whole piece. It's bound to get attention depending on what happens in the wake of Katrina.
AUSTIN -- Governor Rick Perry has authorized the immediate deployment of Texas Task Force One, the state's 90-member elite urban search and rescue team, to Louisiana in preparation for Hurricane Katrina's landfall along the Louisiana / Mississippi coast.
Texas Task Force One is part of the 28 team national urban search and rescue system under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Texas Task Force One will provide needed assistance with rescue and recovery efforts in the hurricane's aftermath and is currently being staged in Shreveport, La., awaiting assignment.
Texas Task Force One is capable of responding to mass-casualty disasters and is trained and equipped to locate and rescue persons trapped by flooding, collapsed structures and confined space in highly populated areas.
In addition, Gov. Perry has authorized the activation up to 200 members of the Texas State Guard to support shelter operations and to assist the American Red Cross in southeast and eastern Texas as evacuees from Louisiana arrive in Texas.
The Governor also has deployed a regional assistance team from the Governor's Division of Emergency Management to Baton Rouge to assist officials with the Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness. Perry also ordered the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Texas Department of Transportation to remain on stand by to provide assistance as necessary.
Oil companies have evacuated workers and shut down more than 600,000 barrels of daily production in the Gulf. Refineries closed down more than 1 million barrels of refining output by Sunday, but that amount could be higher because not every producer reports data, said Peter Beutel, an oil analyst with Cameron Hanover.Wouldn't NOW be a great time to start building new refineries and drilling new wells wherever possible in this country? Why didn't the recent energy bill give the go ahead to drill in the frozen tundra of the Alaska nether regions? There isn't an oil shortage. There's a shortage of production and refining. That there are upwards of 40 different gas formulas to satisfy the EPA is ridiculous. President Bush could pass an executive order tonite to make gasoline refining a simpler, more uniform process. Let the left wing eco-freaks begin the protests. They will become as irrelevant as the "ditch people" in Crawford.
"We're shutting down all kinds of everything. This is the big one," he said. "This is unmitigated, bad news for consumers."
Gasoline futures soared more than 20 cents per gallon, above $2.12 per gallon, and natural gas was up $2.20 per 1,000 cubic feet in the opening minutes of trade. The "out of control" buying is spurred by the prospect that the region's numerous refineries could be idled for weeks by flooding, power outages, or both, Beutel said.
The U.S. has ample crude oil supplies, even if major hurricane destruction trims Gulf oil output and foreign imports, but refining capacity is extraordinarily tight. As a result, prices for gasoline, heating oil, jet fuel and other products have flirted with records and could go even higher this week.
"If this thing knocks out significant quantities of refining capacity ... we're going to be in deep, dark trouble," said Ed Silliere, vice president of risk management at Energy Merchant LLC in New York.
The market has been on edge for months, with traders and speculators buying on the slightest fear. With Katrina, all those fears could be realized, Beutel said.
As long as the power holds out, is a great source of info on everything going on in New Orleans, including live cams.
More storm data available at the National Hurricane Center / Tropical Prediction Center and the Weather Channel.Lenny Cacchio, at the CEM Network, posts a stirring commentary on the precious freedoms we have in this country in the context of the Star Spangled Banner. There's little I could add to this. It's a must read:
I know we don’t sing it this way, but the anthem ends in a question: “Oh say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?” That’s a question, not an exclamation, and it reverberates down the ages as a question to each generation of Americans.
The star-spangled banner indeed yet waves, but it waves only because the land of the free has been the home of the brave. This is my home because I value every shred of freedom that the Constitution protects. Where else in the world can a woman speak aloud proclaiming her disgust with a government that is bound to protect her right to make such statements? Where else in the world can a person provide for his own physical protection, practice an unorthodox religion, succeed or fail on merits, yet be a part of a society that is for the most part compassionate toward the weakest among us?
Where else are people free to pursue their own dreams and potential and freely search for God and meaning?
Where else have people from every race and nation, of various creeds and languages, been welcomed as part of the great experiment we sometimes call the melting pot?
Where else is it recognized that our freedoms come from God and not from some benevolent elite who believe that they “allow” our freedoms?
Where else can one shout from the mountaintop one’s faith in God, proclaim the Word in print and media, and know that the vast majority of the people believe in that same God even though they may fall short in understanding and practice?
Yes, we are still the land of the free. The question is whether we have enough bravery to protect that freedom for our children. It aggravates me to see some of my own countrymen stating publicly that this country is not worth fighting for. What, pray tell, is worth fighting for if freedom is not? Should Americans passively watch as our freedoms are slowly eroded by confused judges, pandering legislators, and internationalist lobbyists who want to subjugate our Constitution to some multi-national body?
The current conflict in which we are engaged, which like it or not is a struggle between world views, is very much about whether our freedoms and lives are worth protecting. The question is whether we have the patience when it takes longer and costs more than expected. Would this generation of Americans have stayed more than the decade long course that spanned the time between the Declaration of Independence and the ratification of the US Constitution? Would this generation tolerate the hundreds of thousands lost in World War II and the financial burden that went with it?
Today’s enemies of this country want to take our cherished freedoms and kill as many of us as they can and have stated so. Are we still the home of the brave so that we can remain the land of the free?
Unlike the first verse, the seldom-sung last verse of The Star-Spangled Banner ends in an exclamation and not a question mark.
Then conquer we must,
When our cause it is just;
And this be our motto:
“In God is our trust!”
And the star-spangled banner
In triumph shall wave
Oe’r the land of the free
And the home of the brave!
We've all seen how soldiers formally fold a flag that has been placed on the coffin of one of our fallen heroes, which is then lovingly given to the grieving wife, mother or other close survivor of the deceased patriot, but do you know what that caring ceremony is all about? The flag folding ceremony isn't just a utilitarian way of storing the flag; it's a ritual with deep meaning.
The folding is fully explained and illustrated at OUR STARS AND STRIPES. It's a good site!
WASHINGTON — A third person has now come forward to verify claims made by a military intelligence unit that a year before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, it had information showing that lead hijacker Mohamed Atta (search) and other terrorists were identified as being in the United States.Be sure to read the entire piece. This is an important story and as I've said before, the silence of the MSM is very telling.
J.D. Smith, a defense contractor who claims he worked on the technical side of the unit, code-named "Able Danger" (search), told reporters Friday that he helped gather open-source information (search), reported on government spending and helped generate charts associated with the unit's work. Able Danger was set up in the 1990s to track Al Qaeda activity worldwide.
"I am absolutely positive that he [Atta] was on our chart among other pictures and ties that we were doing mainly based upon [terror] cells in New York City," Smith said.
Smith said data was gathered from a variety of sources, including about 30 or 40 individuals. He said they all had strong Middle Eastern connections and were paid for their information. Smith said Able Danger's photo of Atta was obtained from overseas.
If you're not familiar with the background of the ACLU or its founders, here's an article you must read. The ACLU hasn't gotten "liberal" over the years; it was leftist from the very beginning in 1931 and has maintained its course to destroy America. Unfortunately, too few people or media outlets will identify the leftist ACLU for what it really is; a socialist, no, communist, apparatus with the sole purpose of taking down as many traditional American institutions as possible...all in the sacrosanct name of "civil liberties."
Here's an excerpt from the above linked piece:
From its very beginning, the ACLU had strong socialist and communist ties. As early as 1931, the U.S. Congress was alarmed by the ACLU's devotion to communism. A report by the Special House Committee to Investigate Communist Activities stated,I wonder why we don't hear much about these nefarious beginnings. For that matter why is it we never even hear the "communist" word uttered much these days. Could it be that far too many people in the MSM, academia and politics are either communist sympathizers or out and out communists? Why should that be inconceivable? Look at how the MSM covers the news. Look at how the left viscerally hate President Bush and judging by everything they say and do, actively seek to cause us to lose the war against radical Islamic terrorism.
'The American Civil Liberties Union is closely affiliated with the communist movement in the United States, and fully 90 percent of its efforts are on behalf of communists who have come into conflict with the law. It claims to stand for free speech, free press and free assembly, but it is quite apparent that the main function of the ACLU is an attempt to protect the communists.'
Roger Baldwin and Crystal Eastman founded the ACLU in 1920 along with three other organizations dedicated to the most leftist of causes. The histories of these two individuals belie their claims of patriotism and respect for the Constitution.
Baldwin openly sought the utter destruction of American society. Fifteen years after the founding of the ACLU, Baldwin wrote:
'I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself ... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.'
Earl Browder, the general secretary of the Communist Party of the United States, admitted that the ACLU served as a "transmission belt" for the party. Baldwin agreed, claiming, "I don't regret being a part of the communist tactic which increased the effectiveness of a good cause."
Be sure to read the entire piece. These are the things that make people crazy!
The Bush administration supports racial profiling -- as long as it's lining the pockets of the right people.
Bean-counting government bureaucrats are free to take race, ethnicity and gender into account when doling out public funds to non-white-male contractors.
But God help law enforcement officers, air marshals and border agents who try to use those same factors to combat terrorism and protect American lives.
What Bush Department of Transportation Secretary Norm Mineta stubbornly refused to do in the name of enhancing homeland security, he'll gladly continue to do under the guise of boosting politically correct "diversity."
I rarely take the time to read much fiction, these days, but I just finished reading The Ezekiel Option by Joel C. Rosenberg. It was riveting! This is his third book and now I look forward to reading his previous books (The Last Jihad and The Last Days).
The Ezekiel Option was a captivating page turner that was difficult to put down. I suggest heading over to Rosenberg's website to get a firsthand lowdown on the book. Here are some interesting factoids:
Rosenberg's insight on the middle east can also be found at his blog which I've also included in my blogroll. Check out his websites.The following are a few examples from The Ezekiel Option of story lines that already seem to be coming true:
The Ezekiel Option begins with a plane scare over the White House, scrambled F-16s and a President and V.P. moved to secure locations …..but it was finished 7 months before the actual plane scare over Washington on May 11th.
The Ezekiel Option centers on the nuclear alliance between Russia and Iran….but it was finished 7 months before President Putin rejected President Bush’s request that Moscow stop selling Iran nuclear equipment and warned the world not to “deprive” Iran of nuclear technology.
The Ezekiel Option involves an international effort to pressure Israel to give up her defensive nuclear arsenal and to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)….but it was finished 6 months before the Israeli newspaper Haaretz ran this headline: “U.S. SAYS ISRAEL MUST GIVE UP NUKES”; and 8 months before the Jerusalem Post ran this headline: “SAUDIS DEMAND ISRAEL SIGN NPT.”
In September 2004, Rosenberg was in Russia doing research for a portion of The Ezekiel Option involving Islamic terrorists hijacking a Russian jetliner and blowing up Moscow. While he was there, Islamic terrorists actually blew up two Russian jetliners, blew up a Moscow subway station, and seized a school in the southern Russian town of Beslan.
The Ezekiel Option involves a coup in one of the former Soviet republics….but it was finished 2 months before the Orange Revolution in Ukraine and 5 months before the March coup in the former Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan.
The Ezekiel Option then takes a supernatural twist, raising the possibility that events we see unfolding today – such as the nuclear alliance emerging between Russia and Iran – was predicted by the ancient Hebrew Prophet Ezekiel more than 2,500 years ago…..a view held, among others, by one of the greatest American President’s of our time, Ronald Reagan.
August 21, 2005 -- GAZA CITY — Hamas terrorists vowed yesterday to drive Israel out of the West Bank and Jerusalem.Be sure to read the entire piece. Can anyone really be surprised by this? It was just a matter of time, but in this case, Hamas was declaring victory before Gaza was even evacuated. Appeasement never works. It only encourages and enables the ones being appeased. So what now?
"Gaza is not Palestine," a masked spokesman for Hamas' armed wing declared, making it clear the Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip will not satisfy the fanatical terrorist group.
"As for Jerusalem and the West Bank, we will seek to liberate them by resistance just as the Gaza Strip was liberated," said the spokesman, surrounded by gunmen with rocket launchers.
This photo provided by Jeep shows 140 vehicles positioned by Jeep owners in the form of an American flag Thursday, Aug. 11, 2005, in Mount Pocono, Pa., to promote the National Anthem Project, a national effort to re-teach Americans the words to 'The Star-Spangled Banner.' Two out of three Americans do not know the words to the National Anthem, according to a Harris Poll survey. The flag, measuring 73 feet wide by 191 feet long, was created to celebrate the first year of this multi-year national education initiative of which Jeep is a national sponsor. (AP Photo/Jeep, Stuart Ramson)
Brian Maloney over at The Radio Equalizer and Michelle Malkin continue to dig into the Air America mess. Together they are doing a comprehensive 4 part story uncovering what won't be touched by the MSM. Check out Part I at Michelle's blog. They've been diligently on top of this debacle for more than 3 weeks now. It's not looking good for the folks at Air America.
August 15, 2005, on the Jewish calendar was the 9th of Av, an infamous day in Jewish History. Bad things happened on this day throughout the history of the Jews, like, for instance, the destruction of the first and second temple. See A Day Like Any Other? and the Jews' darkest day for more details. Most recently, of course, is the forced evacuation of the Gaza Strip which occurred on this same fateful day. Cohinkydink? God only knows.
As Israelis force other Israelis out of the Gaza Strip, Hamas is planning victory parades which will show the world that Israel succumbed to terrorists and acts of terror are ultimately successful. Pity! This will only result in more terrorist attacts by Hamas and every other terrorist group. When will politicians learn that appeasement and accommodation never, ever works. Terrorists must be destroyed. Victory is only achieved by the destruction or subjugation of the enemy. Sadly, in this situation, nothing was ever even agreed to prior to the giveaway.
Some may be under the illusion that Israel is giving Gaza back to the Palestinians. That would be a misconception. Israel won that land fair and square from Egypt after they attacked Israel in the '67 War. If Israel should give it back to anyone, it should be Egypt.
John Fund at the Opinion Journal observes that the border politics are a changin' and the dems may have taken the popular stand. At least that's the way they are playing it:
The politics of immigration are changing. On Friday Bill Richardson, the nation's only Hispanic governor, declared a "state of emergency" in four New Mexico border counties due to "a chaotic situation involving illegal alien smuggling and illegal drug shipments." His office has pledged $1.5 million for stepped-up law enforcement and also asked Chris Simcox, the president of the volunteer border patrol group Minutemen, for a meeting. Mr. Richardson, a man who wears his ambition for national office on his sleeve, has apparently decided he has to reposition himself on border issues.
He's not the only Democrat to do so. Sen. Hillary Clinton made headlines when she embraced high-tech measures to control the border with Mexico and fines for employers who hire illegal aliens. "Democrats clearly sense frustration on immigration among Bush's base voters and are trying to outflank him rhetorically on the right," says Martha Montelongo, a talk-show hostess in California.
According to a Yahoo News report:
Texas has become the fourth state to have a non-white majority population, the U.S. Census Bureau said Thursday, a trend driven by a surging number of Hispanics moving to the state.
According to the population estimates based on the 2000 Census, about 50.2 percent of Texans are now minorities. In the 2000 Census, minorities made up about 47 percent of the population in the second-largest state.
Texas joins California, New Mexico and Hawaii as states with majority-minority populations — with Hispanics the largest group in every state but Hawaii, where it is Asian-Americans.
Five other states — Maryland, Mississippi, Georgia, New York and Arizona — aren't far behind, with about 40 percent minorities.
This Cox & Forkum political "toon" spoofs the contest Hamas is having for the best poster characterizing it's victory in the Israeli pullout of Gaza:
Hamas launched a competition Saturday for the best design of a Gaza pullout poster, according to a statement posted on the Islamic group's web site.
The design must portray the Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip as a victory for Palestinian groups - in particular, Hamas. The design must also show Israel's "desperation and defeat."
In recent weeks, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have been competing for credit for Israel's withdrawal from Gaza, each preparing elaborate celebrations, commissioning thousands of flags and frantically sewing clothing with their trademarks.
Intelligence chiefs are warning Tony Blair that Britain faces a full-blown Islamist insurgency, sustained by thousands of young Muslim men with military training now resident in this country.Well now, isn't that special? The 2nd amendment is looking better all the time...maybe even to the Brits!
The grim possibility that the two London attacks were not simply a sporadic terror campaign is being discussed at the highest levels in Whitehall. Fears of a third strike remain high this weekend, based on concrete evidence supplied by an intercepted text message and the interrogation of a terror suspect being held outside Britain, say US reports.
As police and the security services work to prevent another cell murdering civilians, attention is focusing on the pool of migrants to this country from the Horn of Africa and central Asia. MI5 is working to an estimate that more than 10,000 young men from these regions have had at least basic training in light weapons and military explosives.
The idea that multiculturalism is the best way to achieve harmony among cultures is being proven to be a bogus feelgood philosophy. Egalitarianism, which states that all cultures, creeds and philosophies are equal is the basis of multiculturalism (the sole exception being our Judeo/Christian Western Civilization, which, in the opinion of the left, is and has been the root cause of all of the world's problems). Multiculturalism dictates that all cultures be allowed and encouraged to exist and proliferate within the country's borders, as opposed to encouraging acculturation.
Our country, whose motto is "E Pluribus Unum," or, out of many, one, has successfully taken immigrants from virtually every known country by being a "melting pot." In other words, immigrants acculturated by becoming Americans and adopting our culture. This enactment of our motto has been fashionably discouraged in recent times as a result of the multicultural movement foisted upon us by leftist academicians and weak-kneed politicians.
Ironically, the PC elitists in Europe are waking up about this failing policy before we do. Hallelujah! It's about time someone starts seeing the light.
There are a couple of good pieces along these lines today. Michael Barone has an excellent piece titled, Cultures Aren't Equal:
Multiculturalism is based on the lie that all cultures are morally equal. In practice, that soon degenerates to: All cultures all morally equal, except ours, which is worse. But all cultures are not equal in respecting representative government, guaranteed liberties, and the rule of law. And those things arose not simultaneously and in all cultures but in certain specific times and places...mostly in Britain and America but also in other parts of Europe.
In America, as in Britain, multiculturalism has become the fashion in large swaths of our society. So the Founding Fathers are presented only as slaveholders, World War II is limited to the internment of Japanese-Americans and the bombing of Hiroshima. Slavery is identified with America though it has existed in many societies, and the antislavery movement arose first among English-speaking evangelical Christians.
But most Americans know there is something special about our cultural heritage. While Harvard and Brown are replacing scholars of the founding period with those studying other things, book buyers are snapping up first-rate histories of the founders by David McCullough, Joseph Ellis, and Ron Chernow. Multiculturalist intellectuals do not think our kind of society is worth defending. But millions here and increasing numbers in Britain and other countries know better.
The inventors of political correctness, the lords of tolerance and restraint, the defenders of the indefensible, champions of understanding and global thinking, have just become the first in the world to run out of patience, understanding and yes, tolerance for terrorism...Read both pieces. It's encouraging to see people waking up and admitting that there are real problems with many of these "feel good" leftwing programs. This could happen here if the radical ACLU could be reigned in and the will of the people would be given more respect in the legislature and courts.
After beating America over the head for years with their grandiose ideals of an all-inclusive social order, in the end, it is the Europeans who have come to their senses first.
Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth and easy, or that anyone who embarks on the strange voyage can measure the tides and hurricanes he will encounter. The statesman who yields to war fever must realize that once the signal is given, he is no longer the master of policy but the slave of unforeseeable and uncontrollable events.Sir Winston Churchill
Somebody! Help me understand this.Be sure to read the entire piece. It puts real perspective into the whole issue of justice meeted out justly.
In Philadelphia a woman was thrown in jail because she couldn’t pay $120 in library fines. Notices from the library didn’t get to her because she had moved several times, including some stays at a battered women’s shelter.
Meanwhile, in Boston a judge sentenced a convicted rapist to probation, and he told the victim to “get over it”.
A terrorist is found with a carload of explosives and plan to blow up Los Angeles International gets 13 years in prison, just weeks after an octogenarian businessman gets life because stockholders lost lots of money when the company failed.
If our society wants send the message that money is more important than life and safety, our justice system certainly proves the point.
An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth might seem medieval these days, but upon examination such justice is anything but Neanderthal in its intent. It would solve discrepancies in sentences for such disparate crimes as library fines and sexual assault. Putting it in contemporary parlance, “eye for an eye” translates to “let the punishment fit the crime”.
Surely, behind the scenes, ever so covertly, so as to keep the PC nazis in the dark, authorities in key positions must be conducting terrorist profiles. We can only hope!HISTORY TEST
Please pause a moment, reflect back, and take the
following multiple choice test. The events are actual
events from history.
Do you remember?
1. 1968 Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by
a. Superman
b. Jay Leno
c. Harry Potter
d. a Muslim male extremist between the ages of 17 and
2. In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were
kidnapped and massacred by
a. Olga Corbett
b. Sitting Bull
c. Arnold Schwarzenegger
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40
3. In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken over by:
a. Lost Norwegians
b. Elvis
c. A tour bus full of 80-year-old women
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40
4. During the 1980's a number of Americans were
kidnapped in Lebanon by:
a. John Dillinger
b. The King of Sweden
c. The Boy Scouts
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40
5. In 1983, the US Marine barracks in Beirut was blown
up by:
a. A pizza delivery boy
b. Pee Wee Herman
c. Geraldo Rivera
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40
6. In 1985 the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked
and a 70 year old American passenger was murdered and
thrown overboard in his wheelchair by:
a. The Smurfs
b. Davy Jones
c. The Little Mermaid
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40
7. In 1985 TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens, and
a US Navy diver trying to rescue passengers was
murdered by:
a. Captain Kidd
b. Charles Lindberg
c. Mother Teresa
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40
8. In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by:
a. Scooby Doo
b. The Tooth Fairy
c. Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40
9. In 1993 the World Trade Center was bombed the first
time by:
a. Richard Simmons
b. Grandma Moses
c. Michael Jordan
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40
10. In 1998, the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania
were bombed by:
a. Mr. Rogers
b. Hillary Clinton, to distract attention from Wild
Bill's women problems
c. The World Wrestling Federation
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40
11. On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked; two were
used as missiles to take out the World Trade Centers
and of the remaining two, one crashed into the US
Pentagon and the other was diverted and crashed by the passengers.
Thousands of people were killed by:
a. Bugs Bunny, Wiley E. Coyote, Daffy Duck and Elmer
b. The Supreme Court of Florida
c. Mr. Bean
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40
12. In 2002 the United States fought a war in
Afghanistan against:
a. Enron
b. The Lutheran Church
c. The NFL
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40
13. In 2002 reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and
murdered by:
a. Bonnie and Clyde
b. Captain Kangaroo
c. Billy Graham
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40
Nope, ..I really don't see a pattern here to justify
profiling, do you? So, to ensure we Americans never
offend anyone, particularly fanatics intent on killing
us, airport security screeners will no longer be
allowed to profile certain people. They must conduct
random searches of 80-year-old women, little kids,
airline pilots with proper identification, secret
agents who are members of the President's security
detail, 85-year old Congressmen with metal hips,
Medal of Honor winning and former Governor Joe Foss, and former vice-president Al Gore, but leave Muslim Males between the ages 17 and 40
alone lest they be guilty of profiling.
Cox & Forkum perfectly illustrate what's going on in the MSM and their "oversight" in covering the "Err America" debacle. Their silence is still deafening!
Be sure to routinely visit Brian Maloney at The Radio Equalizer and Michelle Malkin for breaking news and all the links for this Air America scandal.
While driving through El Paso recently, I heard a caller to a talk-radio program laughingly suggest that we should embed Army recruiters within the frontline ranks of the Border Patrol so that they could sign up illegal immigrants and thus eliminate the Army’s current recruiting deficits. I laughed, as did the host of the show, and said to my wife, “Hey, that’s not a bad idea.” As I continued driving eastward across the desert expanse of West Texas, I began to think more seriously about what the ramifications of such a policy might be. When we went through the Border Patrol checkpoint near Sierra Blanca, I told my wife, “You know, that fellow was joking but in fact, he may truly be onto something.”
Think about it, folks. We have a serious illegal immigration problem on our southern border. We also have a problem recruiting troops for the combat arms sectors in our military, all while we have this steady flow of stalwart young men sneaking into our country seeking a better way of life. From the benefit of six years active duty in the 101st and 82d Airborne Divisions, I know that Hispanics volunteer in disproportionate numbers for hazardous duty such as jumping out of airplanes and special operations. American Hispanics have a long and honorable tradition of serving in the Marine Corps with multiple generations having been Leathernecks. These volunteers have a warrior instinct that serves our nation well, as exemplified by Special Forces Medal of Honor winner, Roy Benavides, a native of my own South Texas.
So why don’t we put this warrior ethic to work for us?
Neal Boortz has a blurb about the Bolton brouhaha with which I concur:
So why do Democrats have their panties in a bunch over Bolton's appointment? It has nothing to do with the reasons they've given. Stories about abusing subordinates and manipulating intelligence aren't why the left opposes Bolton. Rather, it's because Bolton is not an internationalist UN-worshiper. He believes the United States is a sovereign nation and the world's only superpower. This irritates leftists like Kofi Annan and Teddy Kennedy. They believe the United Nations should be the world's only superpower, with taxing authority and military control over its member nations.Everything points to the probability that John Bolton will stand up to the U.N. and do whatever he can to right some of the many wrongs over there. But even if he could singlehandedly clean up the egregious corruption, eradicate the ineppititude and nullify the tangled webs of international treaties that threaten sovereignty, there would still be a U.N. that wants to be the only national superpower, with taxing authority and military control over its member nations to whom we will continue to contribute billions and billions of dollars annually.
(08-01) 19:33 PDT HAVANA, Cuba (AP) --This is brilliant! We need to do this for North Korea and Syria and probably a few other thugocracies, if for no other reason than to keep these thugs on the move every few hours. We should never allow them to feel at ease as if we tacitly approve of their dictates.
Cuba's Communist Party criticized the U.S. government Monday for creating a post to oversee a transition to democracy on the Caribbean island, accusing American officials of intruding in the country's domestic business.
President Bush "once again meddles in a rude manner in the internal affairs of Cuba by naming one of his men to publicly coordinate subversive actions against the island," the Granma newspaper said in a signed editorial.
Caleb McCarry, a veteran congressional staff expert on Latin America, was appointed last week to the new post aimed at preparing for a peaceful transition to democracy in Cuba.
The move was criticized by Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque on Friday and by Cuban Parliament speaker Ricardo Alarcon on Saturday.
The post of "transition coordinator" that is being filled by McCarry grew out of a 2004 report on Cuba prepared by a commission headed by then-Secretary of State Colin Powell.
The report outlined the steps that the United States was prepared to take to assist a democratic Cuba and to bring pressure to bear on Fidel Castro's government in the meantime.
Seventeen years ago today, Rush Limbaugh hit the radio airwaves and forever transformed AM radio. He wasn't the first talker, by any means, but there's never been anyone else who has come close to the influence he's had on broadcasting and the political scene.
Rush's cutting edge mid-west conservatism combined with his off the wall, politically incorrect sense of humor, took talk radio aficionados by storm and, now, with over 600 radio stations, plus Armed Forces Radio, he remains the "benevolent dictator" of Talk Radio. Not only has he transformed radio, but you could argue he was the founder of the New Media, which now encompasses the internet, Fox News, and various other new media outlets which have successfully challenged the so-called Mainstream Media.
Self-described as a "lovable little fuzzball," Rush is probably one of the most loved, and at the same time, most loathed people in America. The thrust of Rush's show is making fun of extreme liberalism, their failed policies and illustrating absurdity by being absurd. He's been a rollicking success, lo, these many years. Tweaking the left has become de rigueur as a result of "el Rushbo."
As a huge fan for as long as he's been on the air, I wish to congratulate Rush on 17 rip roaring years. Way to go, buddy! We love you!
The American Enterprise Online has an excellent interview with the hardest working woman in journalism. Check out "Live with Michelle Malkin" for the firsthand story.
Hat tip to Michelle Malkin for this story. It inspires me to spend more money at Little Caesars. Check out the heart warming story. This is what America is all about!