Tuesday, January 31, 2006
What a Guy!

Naw...it will be translated as political posturing!
A Few good quotes from tonight's speech
On an unrelated, irrelevant note, am I the only one who noticed the "odd clappers?" Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Sen. John McCain win the prize for having the strangest clapping skills. Very odd... but at least they clapped!We love our freedom and we will fight to keep it.
There is no peace in retreat...There is no honor in retreat.
We will never surrender to evil.
Liberty is the right and hope of all humanity.
Full text of the State of the Union address.
Monday, January 30, 2006
"Born To Win" now linked
Ron has just finished writing an excellent book, The Lonely God, which I will review in the next day or so, but it's going to be difficult to be totally objective, because Ron is a good friend and mentor.
If you've never heard "Born To Win" on the radio, you really owe it to yourself to give it a listen.
Those Pesky Nation-States

The U.N. has a plan to solve all the world's problems...but first we have to put aside those bothery national borders:
The most potent threats to life on earth - global warming, health pandemics, poverty and armed conflict - could be ended by moves that would unlock $7 trillion - $7,000,000,000,000 (£3.9trn) - of previously untapped wealth, the United Nations claims today.WorldNetDaily has some appropriately sarcastic comments:
The price? An admission that the nation-state is an old-fashioned concept that has no role to play in a modern globalised world where financial markets have to be harnessed rather than simply condemned.
The U.N. has a plan to make every Miss America Pageant contestant happy by bringing about "world peace."The globalists know full well that this won't be accepted any time soon, rather, it's just the beginning of an ongoing international nagging campaign from leftists, international communists and two former U.S. presidents.
All it will take, says the draft of a visionary proposal by the U.N. Development Program, is to getting rid of all the pesky nations of the world.
In fact, the plan endorsed by prominent world figures including Nobel laureates, bankers, politicians and economists to end nation-states as we know them is also designed to end health pandemics, poverty and "global warming." So far, the U.N. hasn't mentioned whether the proposal will do anything for obesity.
One thing these internationalists should be happy about is the near disappearance of our southern border.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Palestinian Civil War Brewing...should anyone care?
"How insensitive," you may say, "that the only reason we should care about this ensuing civil war is that 'innocent Christians' may be in the crossfire." OK, so I'm insensitive! I really don't care if terrorists kill each other. I can only hope they totally wipe each other out. What's so insensitive about that. When there are more dead terrorists, there will be fewer dead innocents.
Only the most radical egalitarians would see it differently.

Cox & Forkum sum things up pretty well with their most recent political toon covering the elections in "Hamastan".
They did another great piece on the election process over there, here.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
The Difference between Texas and Vermont
FORT WORTH (AP) - A man convicted of abducting a girl as she walked to elementary school and molesting her must serve nearly 400 years in prison, a judge decided Wednesday.But then, this is Texas.
Jeremiah Sexton, 23, of Springtown, must serve four sentences of 99 years each.
State District Judge Wayne Salvant, calling Sexton a "serial predator," ordered the sentences to be served consecutively, making the total 396 years behind bars.
A jury Tuesday convicted Sexton on three counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child and one count of aggravated kidnapping.
Contrast that with the Vermont Judge, Edward Cashman who awarded a serial child rapist a 60 day sentence, who only after intense criticism has increased that sentence to a whopping 3 years!
Then there's Oklahoma.
Oklahoma Senator Jay Paul Gumm is committed to making Oklahoma the safest state possible for your children.The migration of child molesters from Texas and Oklahoma to Vermont has probably already begun! Good riddance!
The Senator has written legislation to ensure that repeat child molesters face the toughest penalty possible. It's called Senate Bill 1747. It would make repeat child molesters subject to life in prison without parole or even the death penalty.
Joel C. Rosenberg: "Welcome to Hamastan"
(CAIRO, EGYPT, January 26, 2006) -- Hamas By The Numbers, a fact sheet produced by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, provides a chilling snapshot of the jihadist group formally known as the Islamic Resistance Movement.
Since 1989, Hamas has carried out more than 100 major terrorist attacks, killing more than 500
Hamas has launched more than 300 Qassam rockets at Israeli towns
84% of Israelis killed in these attacks have been civilians
27 Americans have been killed in Hamas attacks since 1993
Hamas has been on the U.S.-terrorist list for the past eight years
The European Union added Hamas to its terrorist list two years ago
Hamas receives $3 million a year from Iran
Now a new bullet point can be added:
On January 25, 2006, “Hamastan” – the world’s newest terrorist state – was born.
There's more...be sure to visit his site.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Investor's Business Daily on Hillary

An excellent piece on Hillary today in the Investor's Business Daily:
In a recent thank-you note to donors, she vowed to fight for "an end to cronyism, incompetence and cover-ups" on the GOP-run Hill. She's referring, of course, to the Abramoff lobbying scandal.I really didn't intend to post so much of this article, but it was irresistible...As Rush so succinctly expressed today and in so many days gone by, just bring her on and let the debate begin. Her MSM pimps don't have the big guns they once had...hence her horrible numbers in today's Gallup Polls (see above chart) after 13 long years of propped up propaganda.
Apparently, she thinks she's put enough distance between herself and her own ethics clouds that few will recall how she fell under them on a routine basis when she shared (and abused) power with the president, and before her power was limited to just 1/100th of 1/2 of 1/3 of the government.
Allow us to refresh the scandalous record, starting with her central role in Travelgate. This, you'll recall, was one of the first in the parade of scandals we know as the Clinton administration.
There is fresh evidence that Hillary ordered the purge of career White House Travel Office officials to make room for the Clintons' cronies from Arkansas — and used the FBI and IRS to persecute those innocent workers.
New details of her involvement come from the FBI official who wrote the Travelgate report to Congress. I.C. Smith, head of the bureau's Arkansas field office at the time, calls "absurd" Hillary's claims that she had only a limited role in the affair.
"It was Hillary Clinton's former Rose Law Firm partners, Vince Foster and Bill Kennedy, who were obviously feeling the pressure" to frame Travel Office chief Billy Dale and others who got in the way. "Combine that with the appearance of longtime Hillary confidantes Bernard Nussbaum and Patsy Thomasson on the scene, and it was clear to me that Hillary was the one applying the pressure."
In the end, "the allegations of misconduct by loyal, longtime employees was of the White House's making and was ultimately unsubstantiated," Smith says in his memoir, "Inside: A Top G-Man Exposes Spies, Lies, and Bureaucratic Bungling Inside the FBI."
It took a pro-Clinton D.C. jury only a short while to find Dale innocent of all the charges the White House had trumped up against him.But the damage was done — Hillary had ruined his career and his life, and still has offered no apologies to him or his family. And yet she now proclaims to be the avenger of victims of cronyism.
Oh yes, she also says she's fighting against cover-ups. Hmm. Maybe she can finally explain one of her own — namely, how her billing records went missing while under subpoena in the Whitewater probe.
Hillary may be running for Senate re-election, but her obsession is to return to the White House, this time to occupy the Oval Office, and to do that, her handlers have told her she'll have to loosen up a bit. So, first came the smile, followed by the jokes and a glimmer of personality. But she was still too liberal, so then came the hawkish views and other feints to the right, leaving the hardest obstacle — her pathological dishonesty.
Now suddenly the scruples. Voila! The rehabilitation is complete: Meet St. Hillary, defender of all that is right and decent. Yes, she's almost ready to seize power again — if, that is, she can get away with the con.
But once a phony, always a phony. And Hillary has really outdone herself in the hypocrisy department this time. Instead of pointing out the speck in the eyes of her colleagues across the aisle, she should worry about removing the log in her own.
Besides, like Rush has said over and over, "...she's just not likeable."
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Random facts about Jack Bauer

A great Jack Bauer list at PoliPundit compiled by the "Listkeeper". Hat Tip to The Anchoress...
Some random facts about Jack Bauer:
1) If you wake up in the morning, it’s because Jack Bauer spared your life.
2) If Jack Bauer was in a room with Hitler, Stalin, and Nina Meyers, and he had a gun with 2 bullets, he’d shoot Nina twice.
3) Upon hearing that he was played by Kiefer Sutherland, Jack Bauer killed Sutherland. Jack Bauer gets played by no man.
4) Jack Bauer’s favorite color is severe terror alert red. His second favorite color is violet, but just because it sounds like violent.
5) Jack Bauer once forgot where he put his keys. He then spent the next half-hour torturing himself until he gave up the location of the keys.
6) Jack Bauer got Hellen Keller to talk.
7) Jack Bauer killed 93 people in just 4 days time. Wait, that is a real fact.
8) Jack Bauer was never addicted to heroin. Heroin was addicted to Jack Bauer.
9) 1.6 billion Chinese are angry with Jack Bauer. Sounds like a fair fight.
10) Superman wears Jack Bauer pajamas.
11) Jack Bauer doesn’t miss. If he didn’t hit you it’s because he was shooting at another terrorist twelve miles away.
12) Lets get one thing straight, the only reason you are conscious right now is because Jack Bauer does not feel like carrying you.
13) When you open a can of whoop-ass, Jack Bauer jumps out.
15) Killing Jack Bauer doesn’t make him dead. It just makes him angry.
17) In grade school, a little boy punched Kimberly Bauer, and Kimberly ran home to tell her dad. That little boy’s name? Stephen Hawking.
18) Jack Bauer does not sleep. The only rest he needs is what he gets when he’s knocked out or temporarily killed.
19) No man has ever used the phrase, “Jack Bauer is a pussy” in a sentence and lived to tel-
20) In kindergarten, Jack Bauer killed a terrorist for Show and Tell.
21) Jack Bauer literally died for his country, and lived to tell about it.
22) As a child, Jack Bauer’s first words were “There’s no time!”
23) Jack Bauer’s family threw him a surprise birthday party when he was a child. Once.
24) If you are still conscious, it is because Jack Bauer doesn’t want to carry you.
25) If you get 7 stars on your wanted level on Grand Theft Auto, Jack Bauer comes after you. You don’t want to get 7 stars.
26) Guns dont kill people, Jack Bauer kills people.
27) Everytime Jack Bauer yells “NOW!” at the end of a sentence, a terrorist dies.
28) Jesus died and rose from the dead in 3 days. It took Jack Bauer less than an hour. And he’s done it twice.
29) If you send someone to kill Jack Bauer, the only thing you accomplish is supplying him a fresh set of weapons to kill you with.
30) Jack Bauer could get off the Lost island in 24 hours.
Time to build the fence in Texas!
Texas law enforcement officers and Border Patrol agents engaged in an armed standoff with Mexican military personnel and drug smugglers just inside the United States along the Rio Grande yesterday afternoon.AP's coverage here.
According to a report in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin of Ontario, Calif., both Texas law enforcement and the FBI stated nearly 30 American agents were part of the incident.
Chief Deputy Mike Doyal of the Hudspeth County Sheriff's Department told the paper Mexican military Humvees were towing what appeared to be thousands of pounds of marijuana across the border into the United States.
Border Patrol agents called for backup after seeing that Mexican Army troops had several mounted machine guns on the ground more than 200 yards inside the U.S. border – near Neely's Crossing, about 50 miles east of El Paso.
Doyal said Hudspeth County deputies and Texas Highway patrol officers arrived shortly afterward.
"It's been so bred into everyone not to start an international incident with Mexico that it's been going on for years," Doyal told the Bulletin. "When you're up against mounted machine guns, what can you do? Who wants to pull the trigger first? Certainly not us."
Andrea Simmons, a spokeswoman with the FBI's El Paso office, confirmed the incident, saying, "Bad guys in three vehicles ended up on the border. People with Humvees, who appeared to be with the Mexican army, were involved with the three vehicles in getting them back across."
A Cadillac Escalade reportedly stolen from El Paso was captured, and U.S. officers found 1,477 pounds of marijuana inside.
The Mexican soldiers set fire to one of the Humvees stuck in the river, Doyal indicated.
Doyal emphasized Border Patrol agents and county deputies are not equipped for battle with military personnel.
"Our government has to do something," he told the Bulletin. "It's not the immigrants coming over for jobs we're worried about. It's the smugglers, Mexican military and the national threat to our borders that we're worried about."
Earlier this month, the Department of Homeland Security reported 216 incursions by Mexican soldiers during the past 10 years.
As WorldNetDaily reported, federal officials last week said Border Patrol and other federal agents working chronic drug-smuggling routes along the U.S. boundary with Mexico could be targets for retaliation by well-armed cartels from south of the Rio Grande, after a new enforcement push has dramatically curbed the importation of contraband.
"I do think we have to be prepared for the fact that as we press hard on these criminal organizations, some of them will want to fight back," Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told reporters.
Mexican officials last week denied their military was making incursions into the United States.
On an equally outrageous note, the Mexican Gov't is handing out 70,000 maps to illegal immigrants.
Wake up, America!
More than 47 million abortions since '73
The statistic is based on data since 1973 gathered by the pro-choice Guttmacher Institute and on estimates by the National Right to Life Committee. In the first full year of abortion legalization nationwide (1974), Guttmacher counted 898,600 abortions. That number reached a peak of 1,608,600 in 1990, before falling to 1,293,000 in 2002.May God be merciful to us!
Since 1975, the United States has witnessed more than 1 million abortions each year. Unless the nation's laws are changed, the number of abortions post-Roe will pass 50 million in 2008.
'It's an unspeakable tragedy," Randall K. O'Bannon, director of education and research at National Right to Life, told Baptist Press. "That [47 million] is higher than the population of some countries. That would be wiping out a number of whole states. The world was appropriately horrified and shocked when we lost about a couple thousand people on Sept. 11.... What we're talking about here is that sort of loss multiplied dramatically.'
(H/T to WorldNetDaily)
Monday, January 23, 2006
"Faith, family and friends"

The President spoke at Kansas State University today and was asked, among other things:
As a leader, as many of us are going to need to know here because we're going to be leaders in just a few years, what's the best way that you go about preparing yourself for attacks on your character, and how do you deal with others in those matters?To which he replied:
Yes, I appreciate that. I would summarize it: faith, family and friends. (Applause.) I am sustained mightily by the fact that millions of citizens -- for whom I'll never get to thank personally -- pray for me. It's hard for me to describe why I feel that way, why I'm so sustained. I guess it's just called faith. And I'm sustained by my family. And there's nothing better than going home to somebody who understands and is sympathetic and is part of -- we're working together. I mean, Laura's job is just as important as mine in many ways.Now that's Presidential!
Conservative, Stephen Harper Wins
Conservative Leader Stephen Harper has won a minority government on Monday, putting an end to more than 12 years of Liberal rule.
Polls across the country are now closed and results are pouring in.
As of 11:25 p.m. ET, the Conservatives were in a commanding lead with 123 seats, compared to 103 for the second place Liberals. But Harper will be denied the 155 seats he will need to lead a Tory majority.
The Bloc Quebecois has won 50 seats, while the NDP currently sits at 31.
Support for the Tories took off when the polls closed west of Atlantic Canada.
Harper, Canada's next prime minister, has been re-elected in the Alberta riding of Calgary Southwest. The Conservatives dominated in the West, and took most seats in the Prairies, as expected.
But it was in battleground Ontario where the Conservatives made a big breakthrough, with most of the polls showing they're on track to take a dozen or more seats than the 24 they won in 2004.
This is a major blow for the Left, not just in Canada, but here and abroad. This could only help the Canada/America relationship, which has been waning over the years.
First Step to Eliminating Israel?
Some kind of line was crossed when UN Secretary General Kofi Annan stood in front of a map from which Israel had been extinguished, and addressed a group celebrating Palestine. Call it the mainstreaming of the elimination of Israel.Eye on the UN has the story:
Our UN Ambassador John Bolton--the man the Democrats stonewalled -- is thankfully pursuing the matter with vigor. Which is why we urgently needed him in the UN when the Oil for Food scandal was unfolding, and which is why the Democrats have so much to answer for.
On November 29, 2005 I took a photograph of a map on display at a major meeting at UN Headquarters in New York, which omitted the UN member state of Israel. The map was perched on a frame at the front of the room with a flag of the United Nations on one side, and a Palestinian flag on the other. The occasion was the annual UN Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
How did it get there? Who was responsible? Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had been calling for Israel to be wiped off the map, and the UN had literally-speaking already done so. American UN Ambassador John Bolton was properly concerned and wanted some answers. He wrote to Secretary-General Kofi Annan on January 3, 2006 posing three questions: "First, who is the highest level official within the Secretariat who approved the use of the map for the event? Second, does the United Nations intend to use the map in future U.N. sponsored functions and events? Third, in light of prohibitions under U.S. law to fund events such as this one, do you consider it appropriate for the United Nations to advertise and promote the event on its general website and other venues, which do in fact benefit from U.S. funds?"
No wonder the Left stood in the way of Bolton's appointment to the UN. Be sure to check out the rest of the story.
On a related theme Joel C. Rosenberg posts an article from the Islamic Republic News Agency wherein the Iranian President stated that:
Palestine is the center of the final stages of the battle between Islam and arrogance, saying the Palestinian Intifada is progressing.Apparently, his nuclear capability is progressing as well.
Quote of the Day
'This is the beginning of the end. We'll look back at some point soon and won't believe that people were ever killing babies like it was nothing,'See WaPo's Protesters See Mood Shift Against Roe to get more of the story of the pro-life/anti-abortion protests.
Tonite...Canada's Moment of Truth
And what, praytell, can we attribute the apparent swing to the right in Canada? Brian Maloney, over at The Radio Equalizer may have the scoop on this one. Can you say Talk Radio and the Internet? Go there now to see his excellent coverage.
Be sure to check out Michelle Malkin's coverage as well.
Art Bell returns on Sat/Sun Nights

Art Bell returned to the airwaves Sunday night/Monday Morning for the first time since his wife, Ramona, died unexpectedly two weeks ago. Bell, spoke in detail about his wife of fifteen years and her constant bout with asthma, which ultimately took her life while on a road trip to Laughlin, NV. in their RV.
Bell, while describing his grief and loneliness, announced that he would be spending more time on the air as a way to keep busy. Beginning next week Bell will be resuming broadcasting on Saturday and Sunday nights.
Bell, who does his radio show all by himself in the environs of his home in Pahrump, NV, was interviewing scientist Michio Kaku during the second hour, when an alarm when off in another part of his house. Bell had to turn the show over to his guest while he took care of the alarm. It turned out to be the local police who were responding to a caller who reported to them that Bell was having difficulty coping with his grief and may be in danger of committing suicide. Bell reassured the police and his audience that he was doing well and wasn't in any danger of losing it.
It was live radio at its best. Everyone in the vast family of Talk Radio welcomes Art back to the airwaves and hopes that he will be comforted in the premature loss of his wife.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Reagan Library releases 1.3 million pics

Saturday, January 21, 2006
To think he was once President!

From the folks at Newsmax:
Former President Jimmy Carter expressed optimism Friday over Hamas's participation in next week's Palestinian parliamentary elections, saying that while the group may be terrorists, at least they're not corrupt.Amazing!
Friday, January 20, 2006
In Memory of Reagan's Inauguration

They're not making them like Ronaldus Magnus any more!
Via Human Events:
Check out The Heritage Foundation Remembers Reagan and if you haven't been there in awhile, why not visit the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library .by Rep. John Shadegg
Posted Jan 20, 2006
Ronald Reagan ran for President to change America. In the end, he changed the world.
Today, on the 25th Anniversary of his Inauguration, we should remember his legacy and remind ourselves that what brings Republicans together is far stronger than what pulls us apart. When we are the party of ideas, we win because our ideas are better. As Republicans, we believe in a smaller, more efficient federal government, returning power to the states, lower taxes, and individual freedom.
None of these beliefs is shared by our Democrat colleagues, who continue to rely on old-fashioned, big government solutions to every problem. They believe that regulation and expanded federal power are the answer to every question, and that higher taxes are the way to pay for it. Their idea of America's future is the sort of socialist statism that has failed in many parts of the world.
Ronald Reagan knew that America is different. We can and should be the shining city on a hill - a beacon of hope and freedom. That vision inspired a generation of Republicans; we should honor him by continuing to make sure his ideals are our ideals.
Copyright © 2006 HUMAN EVENTS. All Rights Reserved.
Peggy Noonan--Today's essential read!

Peggy Noonan has some pertinent thoughts on the decline of the MSM and subsequent declining influence of the democrat party, in general. Here's an enticing tidbit:
"I don't think Democrats understand that the Alito hearings were, for them, not a defeat but an actual disaster. The snarly tone the senators took with a man most Americans could look at and think, "He's like me," and the charges they made--You oppose women and minorities, you only like corporations and not the little guy--went nowhere. Once those charges would have taken flight, would have launched, found their target and knocked down any incoming Republican. Not any more. It's over.It's not a long piece; just be sure to read it. She asks some serious questions about the republicans too. They are going to have to decide how they will govern and whether or not they will return to their conservative roots.
Eleven years ago the Democrats lost control of Congress. Then they lost the presidency. But just as important, maybe more enduringly important, they lost their monopoly on the means of information in America. They lost control of the pipeline. Or rather there are now many pipelines, and many ways to use the information they carry. The other day, Dana Milbank, an important reporter for the Washington Post, the most important newspaper in the capital, wrote a piece deriding Judge Alito. Once such a piece would have been important. Men in the White House would have fretted over its implications. But within hours of filing, Mr. Milbank found his thinking analyzed and dismissed on the Internet; National Review Online called him a "policy bimbo."
Could Democratic senators today torture Clarence Thomas with tales of Coke cans and porn films? Not likely. Could Ted Kennedy have gotten away with his "Robert Bork's America" speech unanswered? No.
And the end of the monopoly of course isn't only in the news, it's in all media. The other night George Clooney, that beautiful airhead, made a Golden Globe speech in which he made an off-color reference to Jack Abramoff. The audience seemed confused, as people apparently often are when George Clooney speaks. Once, his remark would have been news. Once, Marlon Brando stopped the country in its tracks when he sent Sacheen Littlefeather to make his speech at the Academy Awards. Once, Vanessa Redgrave did the same when she gave a speech about Palestinians, receiving in turn a rebuke from Frank Sinatra, who didn't want some British broad telling us how to do our thing. Now, actors make their comments and it's just another airhead involved in an oral helium release. "You don't like it, change the channel," network executives used to say. But that, as they knew, meant nothing: There were only three channels. Now there are 500. And more coming."
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Top 10 ways the House is like a plantation (a la Hillary)
Top Ten Ways The House Of Representatives Is Like "A Plantation"There you have it!
10. Just like on a plantation, it's still all about the cotton, sugar & tobacco
9. The most junior slaves on a plantation were invariably assigned the least desirable offices, often in the basement of the Russel Building
8. Congressmen are paid over $170,000 per year, just a fraction more than what slaves were paid; plus, slaves had to pay for their own stamps, if you can imagine such barbarism
7. Slaves were often subject to the indignity of being jetted off to Boca Raton golf courses to be lobbied on okra subsidies
6. Two words: "Majority Whip." Do I have to spell it out for you?
5. Slave-masters were notoriously cruel and arbitrary about allowing their slaves to "extend and revise" their remarks for the Congressional Record
4. Whether it's the "manacles" of having one's amendments voted down or actual, literal manacles holding your body as you bake in the punishing noontime sun, hey, it's all still basically just "chains of oppression," right?
3. Slaves were often looked down upon as the lowest rung of society, hardly fit to acknowledge even as human beings; Congressmen... well, more or less the same
2. Just like slaves did after a backbreaking day's toil in the fields, Congressmen end their days by heading over to Ted Kennedy's Georgetown bachelor pad for hookers & foosball
... and the Number One Way In Which The House of Representatives Is Like a Plantation...
1. Like slaves, Congressmen are openly bought and traded
CNN's Ed Henry won't answer basic questions by Hugh Hewitt
CNN's Ed Henry... was my guest on tonight's show. He had been scheduled for yesterday, but cancelled. He was scheduled for tonight's show for the first two segments of the third hour --a total of 20 minutes of air time. He tried to cancel again, but yielded when I pointed out I had cleared the time and had promoted his appearance. The topic was to be the CCN's coverage of the Alito hearings, the topic on which I appeared on CNN this weekend and over which Henry and I had sparred. Henry arrived for the second segment, and the short third segment, and I asked him to stay over.
Henry hung up on me mid-fourth segment, after refusing to answer questions about CNN's pervasive bias, its stacked line-up on Larry King the night the hearings ended, its failure to have a counterpart to lefty (and usually incoherent) Jack Cafferty, and its thorough-going refusal to report Democratic lies and obfuscations during the hearings, such as Teddy's reading of a parody from Prospect Magazine as though it was a real story, or Joe Biden's blatant hypocrisy when it came to Princeton.
Not surprisingly, Henry wouldn't answer who he voted for or discuss his own political opinions.
War Dogs Given Proper Tribute at their own Memorial

Thanks to Ron Aiello for this post at Free Republic:
Being a dog lover I can only imagine what the handlers must go through when their best friend is tragically lost in war. What a fitting tribute to the loyal dogs who've been killed in service while doing the work of humans whose lives may have been spared by their sacrifice."Ron Aiello's vision glows in bronze.
The long-awaited statue, depicting a U.S. Marine kneeling beside his military service dog, stands tall in artist Bruce Lindsay's studio. In a few months, the monument will be moved to a Holmdel site, where it will become the nation's first sanctioned U.S. War Dog Memorial.
'It is life-sized," he said, "but it is larger than life.'
Aiello, a Burlington County resident, was among a handful of veteran dog handlers who took on a mission six years ago to see that their canine partners and other war dogs were not forgotten.
The Memorial will be dedicated this spring at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at Holmdel, New Jersey."
On a side note, what does it say about our country that we treat our dogs better than our enemies treat their own people?
For further information and more pics, go to: The United States War Dogs Association. This is a great website to explore!
While you're there you dare not miss God, My Dog and I, by Harold "Al" Tesch, CPL USMC, and make sure you have some kleenex's handy.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Happy 300th, Ben Franklin!

One of the most interesting and beloved founding dad's would have turned 300 today. Ben Franklin; inventor, businessman, musician, diplomat and reputed lady's man, is honored today for his huge contribution in the founding and perpetuation of this great country. Here are some of his many accomplishments.
Thank you, sir, for your vast contribution!
Check out some of the celebrations here, here, here and here.
Glenn Beck joins CNN Headline News

Talker, Glenn Beck has signed on to do a program on CNN's Headline News:
"Building on a year of massive ratings growth in 2005, Headline News will add Glenn Beck, a new topical talk show featuring radio personality Glenn Beck, to its prime-time line-up in April, it was announced today by Ken Jautz, executive vice president, CNN Worldwide.Kudos to Glenn! This could be fun!
Hosted from Headline News’ New York studios, the program will be an unconventional look at the news of the day featuring Beck’s unique and often amusing perspective. With topics ranging from top stories to world events and politics to life’s ordinary hassles and pop culture, the show will look at “water cooler issues” that are on people’s minds. The one-hour program will include guests and produced packages."
Monday, January 16, 2006
Dr. Thomas Sowell reiterates the bafoonery of the Alito Hearings

Dr. Thomas Sowell, the legendary professor from Stanford, has a column today which confirms the sorry and laughable (if it weren't so pathetic) performance of the democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee last week throughout the Alito Hearings:
The Senate confirmation hearings for Judge Samuel Alito told us more about the Senators than it did about Judge Alito.Of course, his entire column is deserving of your attention. Go there!
First, there were those long-winded preambles to "questions" for the judge. Then there were the Mickey Mouse maneuvers and insinuations, spiced here and there with outright lies.
The ridiculousness of the charges was classically illustrated by Senator Joseph Biden's claim that Alito had been part of a group that was trying to keep minorities and women out of Princeton. Apparently wanting everyone to meet the same admissions standards is considered to be the same as being against minorities and women.
To dramatize his position, Senator Biden said, "I don't even like Princeton." Unfortunately for him, a radio talk show host played that back on the air -- along with a speech that Biden gave at Princeton, praising it to the skies.
At the same level of farce was a loud and insistent demand by Senator Ted Kennedy that the Senate Judiciary Committee vote to issue a subpoena for certain records -- even though those records were readily available without a subpoena. In fact, the records in question had already been received by the committee.
The biggest hypocrisy was asking Judge Alito questions that everyone knew in advance no judicial nominee could -- or should -- answer, and then complaining afterwards on nationwide television that he was not "forthcoming" or "responsive."
None of these ploys had anything to do with determining Judge Alito's qualifications to be on the Supreme Court. At most there were attempts to provoke him to anger with insulting questions, in hopes of providing an excuse for Democrats to vote against him and for the weaker Republicans to be afraid to support him.
But Judge Alito remained unruffled and dignified.
That we heard NOTHING of the hearings and the obscene performance of the left this week is very, very telling! They would like everyone to forget those hearings ever happened because of the embarrassment it caused for the entire democrat party and specifically the titular muckity mucks who make it a point to represent the dems whenever a camera appears. You would know them as Kennedy, Schumer, Durbin, Feinstein, Leahy, Biden, and Feingold. They are the shining stars of the Left.
We need to set aside a Special Day of Gratitude

The former Vice-President, Al Gore, surfaced once again, less than a week after so many other democrats embarrassed themselves and their party at the Alito Hearings. It was quite a performance! The word "guttural" comes to mind as Gore got into his performance. He came close to sounding like the "Pentecostal" Al Gore in times past when he performed in Black Churches during the campaign.
Stop and think about this, America...we need to set aside a special day of gratitude, a day of thanks, up and above Thanksgiving Day, wherein the entire country can earnestly thank God that this man was not elected president, and for the fact that, because of his behavior before, during and especially after the 2000 presidential election, he will never, ever have the chance to be elected president in the future.
Mayor Nagin's MLK Day Prediction for NOLA

I think he may have missed the gist of Dr. King's famous speech.
(note to democrats and Black leaders...you all need to start holding sensitivity training classes so that stuff like this doesn't happen...this is a very poor reflection on you!)
"Border? What border?"
The Mexican military has little regard for the border as troops have entered the United States 216 times over nine years, according to a Department of Homeland Security document and a map of incursions.You'd think that our entire country would be outraged by this incredulity, but it probably won't even get a mention from even many in the New Media, much less the MSM. Too bad! This is one of the biggest problems facing our country and way too many people are oblivious or apathetic to this gargantuous security/economic/political problem.
California's Inland Valley Daily Bulletin says U.S. officials claim the border-crossings are designed to help foreign drug and human smugglers gain safe access into American territory.
While the White House refused comment, a spokeswoman for the DHS said her department is in ongoing discussions with the Mexican government about the incursions.
"We – the Department of Homeland Security and the CBP (U.S. Customs and Border Protection) – are determined to gain control of the border and will continue to collaborate with our partners on the border,'' Kristi Clemens told the paper.
The document indicates since 1996, Mexican military personnel made their way into the U.S. at the following Border Patrol sectors:
San Diego County, 17 times
El Centro, 58
Yuma, Ariz., 24
Tucson, Ariz., 39
El Paso, Texas, 33
Marfa, Texas, 8
Del Rio, Texas, 3
Laredo, Texas, 6
Rio Grande Valley, Texas, 28.
"That number [of 216] is 20 times larger than even the Minuteman project organizers are aware of,'' said Jim Gilchrist, co-founder of the Minuteman Project, a civilian group concerned with border security. "But I'm not surprised at that number. There are significant drug and human cargo cartels involving Mexican military threatening Americans at the border. But our Congress has turned a blind eye to it because what the American people don't know won't bother them – that's how our representatives think.''
One border agent speaking on condition of anonymity told the Bulletin: "We've had armed showdowns with the Mexican army. ... These aren't just ex-military guys. These are Mexican army officials assisting drug smugglers.''
Officials with Mexico's government dispute the findings, claiming not a single crossing has been made by its troops.
"I strongly deny any incursion by the Mexican military on United States soil,'' said Rafael Laveaga, spokesman for the Mexican Embassy in Washington, D.C. "When it comes to Mexican military on the southern side, I have no reports of them crossing into the United States. That would mean that the patrol got lost or lack of expertise and orientation. This could be smugglers with fake uniforms as a tactic to confuse the authorities.''
U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., said the high numbers of incursions show suggestions for increasing Border Patrol resources or building a border fence won't be enough to secure the boundary between the U.S. and Mexico.
"It is a military problem,'' said Tancredo. "We should commit the military to the border – tomorrow. I mean, with armor and weapons.''
Will anyone at Fox or the Washington Times or the New York Post dare ask the administration about these massive violations of international law?
With this article in mind, please consider getting Congressman J.D. Hayworth's new book, Whatever It Takes, on display on my sidebar. Congressman Hayworth, from Arizona, has been smack dab in the middle of the fight to try to get the Whitehouse and the rest of the republicans in Congress to DO SOMETHING SERIOUS about this horrendous border problem. Please check out his new book.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Big Unions Declare War on Wal-Mart

Big Unions have won a major battle in their war against Wal-Mart. Like most leftist organizations which can't compete in the marketplace of ideas, products or services, the rich and once dominate Unions have had to enlist their leftist cohorts in Big Government to help fight their battles for them.
Wal-Mart is one of the most hated corporations in existence by leftists and unions throughout the country. Why? Because the 1.3 million employees (associates) consistently vote to keep Wal-Mart non-union. What could be more galling to union thugs, who, like the caterwauling leftists in Congress, are becoming less and less popular among Americans who are finally waking up to the Left's anti-capitalistic and unscrupulous methods of operation.
So, when the Left doesn't get its way, they set out to punish, by way of bad legislation, as they did in Maryland last week:
Lawmakers said they did not set out to single out Wal-Mart when they drafted a bill requiring organizations with more than 10,000 employees to spend at least 8 percent of their payroll on health benefits -- or put the money directly into the state's health program for the poor.This is merely the latest battle that has been going on for some time. Almost two years ago Rich Lowry wrote a piece called, The silly war against Wal-Mart . It is a silly ongoing war and you can bet that the politicos and union thugs are not going to give up when so much money is at stake.
But as debate raged in the Senate yesterday, it was clear that the giant retailer, which has 15,000 workers in Maryland, was the only company that would be affected.
Last week a caller phoned in to Rush and suggested that Wal-Mart just pull out of Maryland to teach the politicians a lesson. That would be rich! Can you imagine the uproar if Wal-Mart called a news conference announcing a statewide pullout? They could shut down one store per month and open up new ones just outside the state borders and let the political chips fall where they may. At some point, some creatively gutsy CEO is going to have to do something like that.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Even some in Boston are embarrassed by the Dems

"Make no mistake about it, Judge Samuel Alito is headed for the nation's highest court, and Senate Democrats, well, if there is a laughingstock hall of shame, it should be reserving some wall space for them.This just might bode well for Boston. There may be hope for the good people of Massachusetts. Let's see if they re-elect the embarrassment that is Sen. Kennedy.
Maybe there is even some special prize awarded for reducing the nominee's wife to tears as she had to sit there and endure hearing her husband's reputation, ethics and character besmirched, even as he is questioned about his level of respect for women and minorities.
The tirade by our own Sen. Edward M. Kennedy over Alito's involvement in Concerned Alumni of Princeton 20 years ago was at once shameful and pathetic. Shameful because, in the end, committee staffers combing through four boxes of documents on the organization that belonged to its founder could find nothing mentioning Alito's name. (He joined, he said, because he opposed Princeton's efforts to throw ROTC off campus.) And pathetic because it was all so irrelevant to the kind of justice Alito will become. Maybe Kennedy thought that was red meat for liberal zealots, but from here it couldn't even pass for hamburger.
Also a prime candidate for the hall of shame was Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) -- he of the 12-minute question, who yesterday said of the confirmation process, "The system's broken." Well, as long as airheads like Biden are doing the questioning, we might actually agree.
For 18 hours over four days, Alito was forced to endure lectures and sermonettes from senators (friend and foe alike), a handful of solid questions and a rousing game of "Get the Judge." Through it all Alito showed unflagging patience and even good humor, good qualities for the next member of the Supreme Court."
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Thankfully, this man will never be president!

Senator Joe Biden, while "questioning" Judge Alito, pontificated himself into political irrelevance and now thinks the hearing should be scrapped. Why? Because he believes the system is 'kinda broken.' Wrong, Senator, you and your bitter cohorts are broken, and you would like these hearings scrapped because you are being exposed for what you really are.
Way to go, Senator. You all are doing a great service by showing the world your bafoonery.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Quote of the Day

From Ann Coulter:
For fun, we ought to replace all the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee with "American Idol" contestants (assuming they wouldn't object to serving on a committee that includes a degenerate like Teddy Kennedy). Democrats would still not be able to persuade a single normal American that Sam Alito is "out of the mainstream."
Read the rest of Ann's column here.
New Media doing the work of the Lord

I know...that headline sounds a bit over the top and maybe even blasphemous to some. It certainly isn't meant to be either. Allow me to explain.
The story is told in the 8th chapter of the book of John in the New Testament when the vaunted Pharisees brought a woman caught in the act of adultery before Jesus to see how he would deal with her. In their profound arrogance and utter contempt, they eagerly sought to trap Jesus, because the Law of God given to Moses stated that adulterers be put to death by way of stoning.
Much to the chagrin of the Pharisees, Jesus quietly bent down and began writing in the sand; presumedly the names, dates and places to sufficiently indict these bloviating hypocrites of their own sins, which very well may have required the death penalty. Then Jesus said that he who is without sin should be the one to cast the first stone at this humiliated woman caught in adultery. One by one, the elite blowhards slithered away because their own sins were significant and they had no right to cast stones at anybody.
I hope you see the analogy. They didn't have the New Media back in the 1st century, but Jesus didn't need Talk Radio or the Blogosphere to get the lowdown on the scurrilous Pharisees; he knew what motivated them.
Today, we need the New Media and thank goodness, we have a very effective New Media who is acting much like Jesus did in the above scenario.
We see the modern day Pharisees in the Senate grill better men than they could ever be and if it weren't for the New Media to point out the hypocritical shortcomings of the contemptible senators, the masses may tend to side with the meanspirited grillers. But maybe not. You don't have to be a news junkie to be reviled by the arrogant interrogators in Congress. Even the shortest exposure to them is enough to make one sick.
Fortunately, no longer can the hypocritical senators get away with their bad behavior. Too many people are watching them and have immediate access to everything they've ever said or done. They may have forgotten their dubious pasts and foolhardy rantings, but the New Media has not, and because of their unparalleled arrogance they will be made to answer, or be rendered irrelevant...probably the latter.
The Left is by no means dead, but the current generation of bloviating democrats like Kennedy, Schumer, Biden, and their ilk are a dying breed because they have lost their appeal. They've become whacked out, mean spirited, transparent and irrelevant dinosaurs.
(photo composite courtesy of Pete at iHillary)
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
GM cuts prices while USPS increases postage
Jan. 10 (Bloomberg) -- General Motors Corp., whose U.S. sales fell 4.3 percent last year, said it will cut the prices on about 80 percent of its cars and trucks.Contrast GM with the USPS who just raised postage rates by 2 cents.
Prices will reduced on all Buick, Chevrolet and GMC models and most Pontiac vehicles, said Mark LaNeve, GM's head of North American marketing, in a statement today. The price cuts take effect tomorrow. Combined with reductions made on some models in August, the changes cover 90 percent of GM's volume, LaNeve said.
GM Chief Executive Officer Rick Wagoner said two days ago that GM may improve U.S. sales this year on the strength of new vehicles such as its redesigned large sport-utility vehicles. GM, the world's largest automaker, lost $4.8 billion in North America last year. Its 26.2 percent U.S. market share in 2005 was the lowest in 80 years as Toyota Motor Corp. and other Asian automakers gained a record 36.5 percent share.
``It's a good idea, but it may not be big enough and it will probably take three to four months to gain traction because it's a slow time right now for sales,'' said Art Spinella, president of CNW Marketing, an auto consulting and research firm in Bandon, Oregon.
It's an excellent lesson to see how free enterprise raises capital compared to how governments raise money, generally speaking.
GM will make cutbacks and theoretically lower operating costs while selling more cars because the prices have been reduced. The US Postal Service won't make cutbacks or try to lower their operating costs and to increase revenues they increase rates.
That's what happens in a world without competition.
Monday, January 09, 2006
An Oscar Sweep..."Brokeback Penguin"

Some of you have, no doubt, been co-opted to see Brokeback Mountain, and many of you may have seen the exquisitely filmed, March of the Penguins. What you havn't seen is the composite which is bound to warm the gay environmentalist's cockles, (whatever those are)...I present to you, BROKEBACK PENGUIN. Check it out!
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Saddam's Ties to Al Qaeda
THE FORMER IRAQI REGIME OF Saddam Hussein trained thousands of radical Islamic terrorists from the region at camps in Iraq over the four years immediately preceding the U.S. invasion, according to documents and photographs recovered by the U.S. military in postwar Iraq. The existence and character of these documents has been confirmed to THE WEEKLY STANDARD by eleven U.S. government officials.The entire piece is required reading.
The secret training took place primarily at three camps--in Samarra, Ramadi, and Salman Pak--and was directed by elite Iraqi military units. Interviews by U.S. government interrogators with Iraqi regime officials and military leaders corroborate the documentary evidence. Many of the fighters were drawn from terrorist groups in northern Africa with close ties to al Qaeda, chief among them Algeria's GSPC and the Sudanese Islamic Army. Some 2,000 terrorists were trained at these Iraqi camps each year from 1999 to 2002, putting the total number at or above 8,000. Intelligence officials believe that some of these terrorists returned to Iraq and are responsible for attacks against Americans and Iraqis. According to three officials with knowledge of the intelligence on Iraqi training camps, White House and National Security Council officials were briefed on these findings in May 2005; senior Defense Department officials subsequently received the same briefing.
The photographs and documents on Iraqi training camps come from a collection of some 2 million "exploitable items" captured in postwar Iraq and Afghanistan. They include handwritten notes, typed documents, audiotapes, videotapes, compact discs, floppy discs, and computer hard drives. Taken together, this collection could give U.S. intelligence officials and policymakers an inside look at the activities of the former Iraqi regime in the months and years before the Iraq war.
The question now is, will leading republicans capitalize on this easy to access data, or will they remain mum on the subject, continuing to allow the squealing leftists to have the last word, day in and day out.
Count on Talk Radio and the Blogosphere to shout it out, but we can't really count on the squishy majority in Congress.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
More Leftist Projection
See the latest democrat projection here:
Democrats accused Republican congressional leaders of corrupting the government, claiming on Saturday that their party has higher ethical standards.
"Under Republican guidance, America has truly been put up for sale to the highest bidder," Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y., said in her party's weekly radio address.
Congress was consumed this week by the corruption scandal around lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who pleaded guilty and is cooperating in a wide-ranging probe that could involve up to 20 members of Congress and their aides.
Politicians from both parties have rushed to unload donations from Abramoff or his clients, while others have decided to keep such donations, insisting they did nothing wrong.
Slaughter painted the Abramoff case and an earlier guilty plea by former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Calif., as part of a broader pattern of misconduct by Republicans under the sway of highly paid lobbyists.
"Sadly, the legacy of Republican rule has been the fundamental degradation of our democratic institutions and the abandonment of our core principles," Slaughter said.
"Lobbyists are now writing the bills passed by Congress," she contended. "They have infiltrated every aspect of our government. Their money and donations shape the opinions of corrupt lawmakers in a way that public opinion no longer does."
Slaughter said the unethical influence of lobbyists has affected everything from the Iraq war to energy policy to the new Medicare prescription drug plan.
The 10-term congresswoman said her party will "uphold the highest standards of integrity."
Repeating a Democratic tag line, Slaughter said, "Together, America can do better."
Could anything be more nauseating?
Aljazeera's Top Ten Useful Idiots
Hat tip to KFSO and WBAP talker, David Gold.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
"The Myth of Palestine"
The entire concept of the Palestinians deserving of a home in Israel is completely bogus. They are refugees from Jordan. And they are kept in poverty by their handlers so that they will be in a perpetual state of sympathy by the rest of the uninformed world.
How else could Arafat have become a multi-millionaire/billionaire? All of his millions was meant for the poor Palestinians living in squalor, but if they would have been able to utilize the massive influx of dollars given to their headmasters over the years, they wouldn't be living as restless paupers and terrorists. They might have been able to at least have decent housing, but then they wouldn't have had the appearance of poor discarded refugees, abused by the Israelis.
The worst thing that could have happened to the so-called Palestinians is the Palestinian Authority. They, along with the rest of the Arab countries have totally abused, misused and screwed the "Palestinian" people. They are nothing more than pawns in the war between Israel and the Arab nations who wish to march the Israelis into the Sea. With all the money and unpopulated areas in Arab nations, there is no reason the Palestinians couldn't have been absorbed over the years. The truth is they are not wanted in the Arab countries. Why, then, aren't the Arabs under scrutiny for their insensitivity and political incorrectness?
(PS...If you're really interested in the legitimacy of the State of Israel and you have any regard whatsoever in the sovereignty of God Almighty, you might check out the Book of Numbers, chapter 34 wherein God delineates the borders of the land of Israel which He gave to the tribes of Israel circa 1452 BC. It's an interesting read...check it out!)
Talk Radio's Newest Rising Star...(Prediction!)

For a couple of months, now, Dallas talk radio aficionados have been treated to the "simulcast" of the Mark Levin Show, on WBAP, which airs locally in New York after Hannity on WABC.
Currently, Mark Levin can only be heard on two or three stations, and he's not even syndicated. Not sure how all that works, but Levin is bound to be the next rising star in talk radio parlance. He's great! He's a breath of fresh air who's unafraid to place fitting monikers on the leftist bafoons. He's a fighter who regularly shames the republicans for being pusylanimous cowards in the midst of the vociferous minority. Levin is no dummy. He's a constitutional lawyer, author (Men In Black) and president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, which serves as a perennial thorn in the flesh of the bad guys.
You can downstream him at the above linked WBAP and/or WABC. He comes on live at 5pm EST. You owe it to yourself to listen to the "Great One." Check out his show. He's soon to be syndicated to Washington DC as well as San Francisco.
Some may say (wishfully) that talk radio is on the wane. I don't believe it. I think it's strong and it's only going to get stronger, mainly because the MSM is continuing to lose ground by insisting on pushing their leftist agenda. People are tuning out and tuning in to alternative news sources...the New Media, of which Talk Radio still reigns supreme.
UPDATE: ABC Radio has announced that The Mark Levin Show is going national. Hound your local Talk Radio station to sign him up ASAP. It's great talk radio!
Israel without Sharon?

Author, Joel C. Rosenberg, shares his insight at his blog as well as at National Review Online:
The Psalmist tells us to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem: may those who love you be secure." (Psalm 122:6) The Apostle Paul urged followers of Jesus Christ to pray "for kings and all those in authority" because "this is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth." (II Timothy 2:1-4).Be sure to read the whole piece.
Let us pray, therefore, for the Israeli leader, for his family, his senior advisers, and for Vice Premier Ehud Olmert, who is now serving as acting Prime Minister while this difficult moment unfolds. Let us also pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the safety and protection of the Israeli people, who now face one of the most severe leadership crises in their modern history, even as terrorists smuggle arms into the West Bank and Gaza and Iran threatens to wipe Israel "off the map."
While Sharon struggles and civilized people around the world pray for his recovery and for peace in the middle east, Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadineiad stated, "I Hope Sharon Dies."
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Hollywood's Wishful Headline of the Year!
Overheard today on a repeat Laura Ingraham show was a comment about the "disappointing" revenues and reviews of "King Kong;" Laura's producer commented that it would be gangbusters if Kong's love interest would have been Jack Black instead of Naomi Watts. Ahem!
Also overheard, on Rush,...he said, with tongue firmly planted in cheek, that Hollywood wouldn't be in the financial doldrums if they would only make more movies depicting homosexuals as mainstream...(far too inadaquately paraphrased) referring to the overly hyped "Brokeback Mountain."
They just don't get it. Flyover country is sick of Hollywood elitists shoving their belief system in our faces and we will vote with our pocketbooks everytime, thankyou, as to what we wish to see or don't wish to see at the box office. Oh, you and your vaunted Academy can vote whatever you wish to be the best ever picture of all time, but America isn't going to buy it. Go ahead, vote your conscience and your belief system, but the good folks of America are going to spend their money on what they deem to be entertaining. You're in the entertainment business, remember?
Laura Ingraham wrote a pithy little tome you might want to reread, "Shut Up and Sing" Check it out!
See what Jack Wheeler has to say about 2006

Dr. Jack Wheeler, in his To The Point newletter, explores the possibilities of '06 and some of the realities of '05. The article is titled "Chrystal Ball," of which he correctly says he doesn't have because the future doesn't exist in that it hasn't yet happened. So true!
The title is a tease – because contrary to what some think, I really don’t have a crystal ball. That’s because there’s no such thing as the future. How could there be – it hasn’t happened yet! What there are in reality is a large number of possible futures – some of which are more possible than others.Read the entire piece and if you can afford it, subscribe to his newsletter.
The trick is to not confuse what you want to happen with what’s likely to happen to best handicap the possibilities. That’s not easy.
I have to admit that 2005 has left a bad taste in my mouth. The dominant story of the year has to be the treasonously vicious and pathologically dishonest war of the liberal “mainstream” media and the Democrat Party waged relentlessly against the Presidency of George W. Bush.
Dems wetting themselves over Abramoff's plea

Lobbyist Jack Abramoff admitted conspiracy, fraud and tax evasion, in a plea deal which could lift the lid on one of the most explosive US political corruption cases in decades. The dems are understandably jubilant in that Abramoff is a republican and a close associate of Tom DeLay. Too bad for republicans, but it may be way too soon for the dems to start the celebrations. Who knows what this investigation may turn up. I hope everyone involved, left or right, gets what's coming to them.
People are sick of crooked politicians. In fact, more and more, people are just plain sick of politicians, period. Still, the republicans who are NOT associated with this guy need to get out there and head up the campaign to get to the bottom of this, regardless which direction it goes. And I'm not talking about the RINO's who, more often than not, side with the dems. Some "for real" republicans need to come to the head of the class and make sure we get to the bottom of this brouhaha. And make no mistake...it's going to be a big brouhaha!