Italy wins World Cup...big whoop!
Pardon me for not partaking in the globalistic joy of the World Cup.
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for Italy. That there's an Explosion of joy in Rome is just fine with me. Better Italy than Iran, or Cuba, Venezuela or some other third world dictatorship. At least Italy likes us and for that reason, I share in their joy.
What I don't share is their love of soccer.
Nor do I feel guilt for hating soccer. Puhleasssse don't foist that on me, or the metric system for that matter. We're America, afterall. Remember?, hotdogs and apple pie?
Let the world rejoice in all things soccer, international socialism, political correctness, diversity, egalitarianism, zero tolerance, confiscatory taxation and itty bitty cars. We're working to rid ourselves of those destructive behaviors.
As for me and mine, America, real football, baseball, M & M's, hotdogs, Shiner Bock and apple pie ala mode is what it's all about. May God continue to bless America and those who earnestly seek Him!
(Photo courtesy of Cream City Calligraphers and by the way, isn't that a fantastic still life of Americana...visit their website to show them your appreciation!)
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