At what point do you yank your kid from gov't schools?
We homeschooled before it was cool. It was 20 years ago and we withstood the heat, if you want to call it that. The anti-homeschooling talking points du jour back then were: "...but what about the 'socialization?' yada yada yada, ad nauseum." It was a bogus speculation back then and it's even moreso now. In fact, the gov't "educators" are pretty quiet these days because homeschoolers out perform virtually every gov't schooled kid. The opportunities available to homeschoolers these days are mind boggling, but that's for another post.
As the gov't schools further degenerate and the teacher's unions dig in their heels against school choice, more and more parents have to ax themselves (o', sorry, I went to gov't schools), at what point do I yank my kiddo out of the snares of the gov't indoctrinators, er, teachers?
In California, according to a WorldNetDaily piece, Christians are being urged to pull their kids out of the gov't schools as a massive wake up call. Can you imagine what would happen if parents actually did that?
Hells bells, should have yanked 'em a decade or so ago!
Read the WND piece and ask yourself why your kid is still in a gov't indoctrination center?
As the gov't schools further degenerate and the teacher's unions dig in their heels against school choice, more and more parents have to ax themselves (o', sorry, I went to gov't schools), at what point do I yank my kiddo out of the snares of the gov't indoctrinators, er, teachers?
In California, according to a WorldNetDaily piece, Christians are being urged to pull their kids out of the gov't schools as a massive wake up call. Can you imagine what would happen if parents actually did that?
Hells bells, should have yanked 'em a decade or so ago!
Read the WND piece and ask yourself why your kid is still in a gov't indoctrination center?