There's Something About U.S. Attorney John Sutton
...and maybe even Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, but this stinks on ice:
Be sure to read the rest of the above piece, and be sure to follow all of Corsi's investigative reports...he's on top of what's going on with the border agents as well as the SPP.
UPDATE: Teen sex scandal ignored by AG & others for 2 years
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, both already under siege for other matters, are now being accused of failing to prosecute officers of the Texas Youth Commission after a Texas Ranger investigation documented that guards and administrators were sexually abusing the institution's minor boy inmates.If this story is true, and I have no reason to doubt Jerome Corsi, who's done magnificent work in the past, then Gonzales is probably gone real soon and Sutton needs to be gone yesterday. You may or may not remember that Sutton is the one responsible for the imprisonment of three border guards under dubious circumstances. All you need to do is go to the above linked article and scroll down to previous articles written by Jerome Corsi.
Among the charges in the Texas Ranger report were that administrators would rouse boys from their sleep for the purpose of conducting all-night sex parties.
Ray Brookins, one of the officials named in the report, was a Texas prison guard before being hired at the youth commission school. As a prison guard, Brookins had a history of disciplinary and petty criminal records dating back 21 years. He retained his job despite charges of using pornography on the job, including viewing nude photos of men and women on state computers.
The Texas Youth commission controversy traces back to a criminal investigation conducted in 2005 by Texas Ranger Brian Burzynski. The investigation revealed key employees at the West Texas State School in Pyote, Texas, were systematically abusing youth inmates in their custody.
Burzynski presented his findings to the attorney general in Texas, to the U.S. Attorney Sutton, and to the Department of Justice civil rights division. From all three, Burzynski received no interest in prosecuting the alleged sexual offenses.
Be sure to read the rest of the above piece, and be sure to follow all of Corsi's investigative reports...he's on top of what's going on with the border agents as well as the SPP.
UPDATE: Teen sex scandal ignored by AG & others for 2 years