If it's Good for America, it's Bad for Democrats
Rush, of course, has been saying this for years, and not to take away from Dennis Prager, because he has a brilliantly illustrative piece today on the hapless democrats titled If It's Bad for America, It's Good for Democrats. Can you imagine a time in history that such could be possible? How could a political party even exist that wants America to lose an ongoing war?
One needs to digest Prager's entire column, but I can't resist previewing a few paragraphs for you:
There's much more, and it begs your attenton. The next election may very well be one of the most important in the history of our country.
The dems have come to the point that they're not even hiding their leftist agenda and unfortunately, those who aren't paying attention may not even care. Those of us who DO care have a responsibility to spread the word that the worst thing that could happen to this country is to elect a passel of socialists who succeed when America fails.
One needs to digest Prager's entire column, but I can't resist previewing a few paragraphs for you:
Name almost any subject, and this unhealthy pattern can be discerned.
If African Americans come to believe that America is a land of opportunity in which racism has been largely conquered, it would be catastrophic for the Democrats. The day that most black Americans see America in positive terms will be the day Democrats lose any hope of winning a national election. Whatever one believes about the extent of racism in America, one cannot deny that the Democrats need black Americans to feel victimized by racism. Contented black Americans spell disaster for the Democratic Party.
If women marry, it is bad for the Democratic Party. Single women are an essential component of any Democratic victory. Unmarried women voted for Kerry by a 25-point margin (62 percent to 37 percent), while married women voted for President Bush by an 11-point margin (55 percent to 44 percent). According to a pro-Democrat website, The Emerging Democratic Majority, "the 25-point margin Kerry posted among unmarried women represented one of the high water marks for the Senator among all demographic groups."
After women marry, they are more likely to abandon leftist views and to vote Republican. And if they then have children, they will vote Republican in even more lopsided numbers. The bottom line is that when Americans marry, it is bad for the Democratic Party; when they marry and make families, it is disastrous for the party.
If immigrants assimilate, it is not good for Democrats. The Democratic Party has invested in Latino separatism. The more that Hispanic immigrants come to feel fully American, the less likely they are to vote Democrat. The liberal notion of multiculturalism helps Democrats, while adoption of the American ideal of e pluribus unum (out of many, one) helps Republicans. That is one reason Democrats support bilingual education -- it hurts Hispanic children, but it keeps them from full assimilation -- and oppose making English America's official language.
There's much more, and it begs your attenton. The next election may very well be one of the most important in the history of our country.
The dems have come to the point that they're not even hiding their leftist agenda and unfortunately, those who aren't paying attention may not even care. Those of us who DO care have a responsibility to spread the word that the worst thing that could happen to this country is to elect a passel of socialists who succeed when America fails.
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