Thursday, April 30, 2009
The American Trinity
Dennis Prager is one of my favorite thinkers. I stumbled upon this Prager video over at Let's Think About That. Please watch it. It might be the best 5 minutes you will spend today. That these uniquely American tenets are not taught in schools is the undoing of this once great nation.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Presidential Advice
Okay, this is from the head guy so please take note: wash your hands; stay away from people who cough and don't forget to keep those tires inflated. That's all for now.
Quote of the Day regarding THE first 100 days
El Rushbo said it:
A hundred days is just a honeymoon. A lot of people know during the honeymoon that it's over but they don't admit it for quite a while.It takes a lot of guts to admit you screwed up or made a colossal, life-changing mistake. Some may have invested so much they may never admit it. Someday these folks will be in a world of hurt and that's if they will be honest with themselves. If they can't be honest with themselves, then they usually resort to blaming others for their failures. I'm not a subscriber to Schadenfreude and I really do feel sad for these people who can't yet see the light or feel the need to blame others.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Specter (or is it Spectre?) goes Dem; Big Whoop!
I'm not a republican, okay, so it makes no difference to me if a died in the wool RINO finally decides to cross the isle. I wish, for the sake of EVERYone, the other squishes who call themselves republican would do likewise starting with McCain and then those two up in Maine, whatever their names are.
Sure, all of the above have been able to get away with being called "republicans" only because the republicans have raced so far to the left in recent years that they have become the new dems and the dems have become raging socialists.
I've been saying that for years. If the republicans want to become a viable party once again they have to root out the leftists and move to the right; the HARD right by comparison because everything has become so skewed to the far left.
Good riddance, Sen. Specter. Take your isle crossing buddies with you. The republican party needs a thorough enema. In fact, the entire system needs a high colonic.
Sure, all of the above have been able to get away with being called "republicans" only because the republicans have raced so far to the left in recent years that they have become the new dems and the dems have become raging socialists.
I've been saying that for years. If the republicans want to become a viable party once again they have to root out the leftists and move to the right; the HARD right by comparison because everything has become so skewed to the far left.
Good riddance, Sen. Specter. Take your isle crossing buddies with you. The republican party needs a thorough enema. In fact, the entire system needs a high colonic.
PRUDEN: "Are we dead yet?"
Wes Pruden has a good piece today in the Washington Times titled, A pandemic of panic -- are we dead yet?
The hysteria is palpable thanks to those who gain from imposing mindless fear on as many who will pay attention. Here are a few of the money paragraphs from Pruden's piece:
In case you missed my commentary a couple of days ago on this subject, check it out here.
O' and get a major grip, America!
The hysteria is palpable thanks to those who gain from imposing mindless fear on as many who will pay attention. Here are a few of the money paragraphs from Pruden's piece:
We haven't seen a panic quite like this one since the last one. SARS was once thought to be the ultimate panic, though the longest running panic was the AIDS scare, when big media set out to convince us that "now we are all at risk." SARS was never a threat in the United States, and worth the P-word only in China and even there a risk confined mostly to people who sleep with their chickens. You can step in all manner of unpleasant things in a chicken house. AIDS continues to be a succession of personal tragedies, but it has lost its power to terrorize continents. Worse, it lost its media cachet. Besides, nobody at the New York Times or at CNN wants to credit George W. Bush with anything good, or even acknowledge how he has become a hero in Africa for the American campaign against AIDS in Africa that has saved millions of lives.Be sure to read the entire piece.
But here we go again. The World Health Organization is heroically feeding the hysteria with the warning on front pages across the globe and trumpeted by hundreds of television talking heads: "The World Health Organization has warned that the [swine flu] virus has the potential to become a pandemic." The words "flu" and "pandemic" are such powerful scare words that almost nobody notices the accompanying weasel words "may," "could," "might," "potentially" and "possibly" that would stand out in bright red and green neon to the skeptical eye of a wizened old city editor. Alas, most of the wizened old city editors really are in the graveyard, having succumbed more to world-weariness than to fashionable diseases. The director of the World Influenza Center in London says of the outbreak, such as it is so far: "It's difficult to look on the bright side."
In case you missed my commentary a couple of days ago on this subject, check it out here.
O' and get a major grip, America!
Quote of the Day
Henry Ward Beecher was a sage among sages and spoke many quote worthy sermons and pieces of advice. Click on the above link and peruse some of his wise thoughts. Particularly prescient is his perceptive observation that:
The worst thing in this world, next to anarchy, is government.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Govt Delights in Scaring the Hell out of You!
How many people die of the common flu every year? Probably hundreds, if not thousands. How many people die from tuberculosis every year? (this was all but wiped out, but many have speculated that illegal aliens have renewed the threat of this dread disease...we don't hear much about it because it's politically incorrect to suggest that illegal aliens pose any threat whatsoever to this country.) How many people die from rabid animal bites each year? Probably more than you might think.
Nonetheless, people die; from all manner of things. People die in car accidents. People die because of govt imposed airbags. Millions have died of malaria (mostly children) since DDT was determined to be toxic to birds and fish. (Which has quietly been found to be an errant report...thank you for your fear mongering, Rachel Carson and environmental whackos.)
Something is going to kill us one way or another. What Big Govt likes to do is create massive panic so the group thinkers of the world will utterly BEG Big Govt to do something, ANYthing to save us. Just go to DRUDGE for the latest panic reports or watch any Mainstream Media outlet.
Big Govt is all too eager to come "to our aid" in these matters. They not only want to come to our aid, they often demand that they come to our aid. They dare not let a crisis go to waste.
The federal stash of vaccinations are no doubt being distributed even as we panic. Forget the fact that every influenza strain has different characteristics and that any given flu shot probably has no effect on whatever new strain may be making the rounds. No matter...the fact that Big Govt is doing something always comforts the unthinking sheeple, and if the vaccinations fail to be effective we can always mobilize the counselors.
Wake up, people! Hardly anything is worthy of panic. Surely not a handful of flu cases.
You would think that if this was REALLY panic worthy, we would at least close the borders, right? No can do! Illegals have a right to free health care just like the rest of us. Let's see, now...the "right" to free health care is where in the constitution? O' that's right, we don't go by that anymore!
Want an illustration of how the fear mongers work? See why so many skulls full of mush live in fear because of the crap they're taught in Govt Indoctrination Centers. Those bastards! How dare they propagandize the weakest and most innocent with their left-wing tripe!
Under the regime of the leftists we will have many more scares in the near future, real or manufactured, and all will come at a high price. Each new scare will dictate more and more restrictions on what we are able to eat, what we are able to purchase, where we may travel, with whom we may do business and even where we are able to live and work.
Because we are on the cusp of allowing Big Govt to take over our health care, be on the watch for all manner of lifestyles and products that will be discouraged or forbidden if we are to be covered under the careful auspices of Big Govt. Watch out if you consume tobacco, alcohol, fast food or drive SUV's and/or Pick-Ups. They may still be available, but you're going to have to pay a premium to be able to use them. If you happen to be overweight (obese is the word the leftist elites like to toss around) you better shed that ugly poundage because the govt is not going to tolerate your indulgent behavior. Obesity is the fast track to heart disease, strokes, diabetes and all manner of costly medical treatments that Big Govt will not lightly put up with. Rationing will have to occur so the fatties will probably be among the first to be forbidden from govt health care. Deal with it.
Please note that in case the laws of nature don't create scary scenarios of and by themselves, Big Govt is posed and powerful enough to create scenarios of their own to make sure we comply in the panic they intend to orchestrate. Don't doubt this for a minute. Big Govt thrives when the masses panic.
Get a grip, people! Don't be afraid of catching a cold or getting the flu; fear Big Freaking Govt who can and is destroying this once great country via nationalization of private enterprise, confiscatory taxation, paralyzing regulations and the diminution of our precious inalienable rights guaranteed by the constitution! (Damn! I keep forgetting we don't use that anymore!)
It's a brave new world; an extremely sick new world!
Wake the hell up, America!
Nonetheless, people die; from all manner of things. People die in car accidents. People die because of govt imposed airbags. Millions have died of malaria (mostly children) since DDT was determined to be toxic to birds and fish. (Which has quietly been found to be an errant report...thank you for your fear mongering, Rachel Carson and environmental whackos.)
Something is going to kill us one way or another. What Big Govt likes to do is create massive panic so the group thinkers of the world will utterly BEG Big Govt to do something, ANYthing to save us. Just go to DRUDGE for the latest panic reports or watch any Mainstream Media outlet.
Big Govt is all too eager to come "to our aid" in these matters. They not only want to come to our aid, they often demand that they come to our aid. They dare not let a crisis go to waste.
The federal stash of vaccinations are no doubt being distributed even as we panic. Forget the fact that every influenza strain has different characteristics and that any given flu shot probably has no effect on whatever new strain may be making the rounds. No matter...the fact that Big Govt is doing something always comforts the unthinking sheeple, and if the vaccinations fail to be effective we can always mobilize the counselors.
Wake up, people! Hardly anything is worthy of panic. Surely not a handful of flu cases.
You would think that if this was REALLY panic worthy, we would at least close the borders, right? No can do! Illegals have a right to free health care just like the rest of us. Let's see, now...the "right" to free health care is where in the constitution? O' that's right, we don't go by that anymore!
Want an illustration of how the fear mongers work? See why so many skulls full of mush live in fear because of the crap they're taught in Govt Indoctrination Centers. Those bastards! How dare they propagandize the weakest and most innocent with their left-wing tripe!
Under the regime of the leftists we will have many more scares in the near future, real or manufactured, and all will come at a high price. Each new scare will dictate more and more restrictions on what we are able to eat, what we are able to purchase, where we may travel, with whom we may do business and even where we are able to live and work.
Because we are on the cusp of allowing Big Govt to take over our health care, be on the watch for all manner of lifestyles and products that will be discouraged or forbidden if we are to be covered under the careful auspices of Big Govt. Watch out if you consume tobacco, alcohol, fast food or drive SUV's and/or Pick-Ups. They may still be available, but you're going to have to pay a premium to be able to use them. If you happen to be overweight (obese is the word the leftist elites like to toss around) you better shed that ugly poundage because the govt is not going to tolerate your indulgent behavior. Obesity is the fast track to heart disease, strokes, diabetes and all manner of costly medical treatments that Big Govt will not lightly put up with. Rationing will have to occur so the fatties will probably be among the first to be forbidden from govt health care. Deal with it.
Please note that in case the laws of nature don't create scary scenarios of and by themselves, Big Govt is posed and powerful enough to create scenarios of their own to make sure we comply in the panic they intend to orchestrate. Don't doubt this for a minute. Big Govt thrives when the masses panic.
Get a grip, people! Don't be afraid of catching a cold or getting the flu; fear Big Freaking Govt who can and is destroying this once great country via nationalization of private enterprise, confiscatory taxation, paralyzing regulations and the diminution of our precious inalienable rights guaranteed by the constitution! (Damn! I keep forgetting we don't use that anymore!)
It's a brave new world; an extremely sick new world!
Wake the hell up, America!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Tough Times

In case you missed this at The economy is definitely getting worse, but cats are so dramatic.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Rush's Earth Day Salute to Capitalists

He, in his inimitable way, honored some of the industrialists and inventors (capitalists, all) who helped make this once great country the most innovative and productive country the world has ever seen. But most importantly, Rush thanked God for creating this vast and complex earth and universe.
It was a pleasant diversion from the frenetic leftists who have set this day aside to blame America above all others for making their goddess gaia nearly "uninhabitable" when in reality it is radical leftist policies that will make our world uninhabitable.
Meanwhile, America slumbers.
Friday, April 17, 2009
The Evils of Profiling

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Headline of the day: "It's not about the Tea, or the Tax..."
Hats off to Jim Robinson and all the good folks at Free Republic for this noteworthy line:
It's not about the Tea, or the Tax. It's the Tyranny, stupid.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Tea Party Update: Beware of community organizers in sheep's clothing!
Tea Parties are being planned all across the fruited plain for tomorrow (Tax Day) to protest confiscatory taxes being levied on Americans at egregious rates. More and more people are "as mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore," as Howard Beale madly proclaimed in the 1976 movie, Network.
Well maybe we're not that mad, but we are angry with politicians who are catapulting us into a socialistic state wherein Big Govt controls everything and everyone; and they're are doing this by spending unprecedented amounts of money which is bankrupting our country. They curry favor with business and constituents by bailing them out and then gain a foothold by which they have control.
Hopefully, zillions of hard working, frustrated taxpayers will show up at these overdue tea parties, but there may be an undesirable element present as well to make us look bad. That's right, don't be surprised if "community organizers" are being assigned to blend in with us and disguise themselves as partakers in the protest against Washingtonian policies.
The administration would love us to become unruly and even riotous and the job of the community organizer has always been to stir up strife and division. So beware of community organizers in sheep's clothing. Don't let them turn this peaceful protest into something you'd see at a world soccer game.
Well maybe we're not that mad, but we are angry with politicians who are catapulting us into a socialistic state wherein Big Govt controls everything and everyone; and they're are doing this by spending unprecedented amounts of money which is bankrupting our country. They curry favor with business and constituents by bailing them out and then gain a foothold by which they have control.
Hopefully, zillions of hard working, frustrated taxpayers will show up at these overdue tea parties, but there may be an undesirable element present as well to make us look bad. That's right, don't be surprised if "community organizers" are being assigned to blend in with us and disguise themselves as partakers in the protest against Washingtonian policies.
The administration would love us to become unruly and even riotous and the job of the community organizer has always been to stir up strife and division. So beware of community organizers in sheep's clothing. Don't let them turn this peaceful protest into something you'd see at a world soccer game.
You Go, Gov. Perry!!!

Now this is what I'm talking about! Gov. Perry Backs Resolution Affirming Texas’ Sovereignty Under 10th Amendment. This is one of the most encouraging things I've heard out of a politician for a long, long time:
Be sure to read this linked piece and watch the video.
Texas; it's like a whole 'nother country!
“I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state,” Gov. Perry said. “That is why I am here today to express my unwavering support for efforts all across our country to reaffirm the states’ rights affirmed by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I believe that returning to the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution and its essential 10th Amendment will free our state from undue regulations, and ultimately strengthen our Union.”
Be sure to read this linked piece and watch the video.
Texas; it's like a whole 'nother country!
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Liberty or Tyranny, Which Will It Be?

Thursday, April 02, 2009
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
"Abortion is a Blessing"
So I'm listening to Rush as he explains to a young caller the concept of his ingenious "caller abortion" bit he did lo, so many years ago, which caused outrage among those who embrace the right to have abortions (do yourself a favor and hit the link; Rush spent a great deal of time with the young man explaining what he and his show is all about.)
Multi-tasker that I am, at the same time I happened upon the Via Media blog with the startling headline, "Abortion is a Blessing." Startling indeed, as this is a quote from Dr. Katherine Ragsdale, the newly elected dean of the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge. That's right, the dean of a school of divinity actually believes that abortion is a blessing! There was a time not so long ago when that would not compute, but then everything is backwards and upside down in this new Orwellian age of enlightenment. Here's what the dean has to say about abortion:
Multi-tasker that I am, at the same time I happened upon the Via Media blog with the startling headline, "Abortion is a Blessing." Startling indeed, as this is a quote from Dr. Katherine Ragsdale, the newly elected dean of the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge. That's right, the dean of a school of divinity actually believes that abortion is a blessing! There was a time not so long ago when that would not compute, but then everything is backwards and upside down in this new Orwellian age of enlightenment. Here's what the dean has to say about abortion:
And when a woman becomes pregnant within a loving, supportive, respectful relationship; has every option open to her; decides she does not wish to bear a child; and has access to a safe, affordable abortion - there is not a tragedy in sight -- only blessing. The ability to enjoy God's good gift of sexuality without compromising one's education, life's work, or ability to put to use God's gifts and call is simply blessing.Amy Welborn (interesting name given the subject of her post), blogmaster of Via Media, rightly asks the question:
These are the two things I want you, please, to remember - abortion is a blessing
and our work is not done. Let me hear you say it: abortion is a blessing and our work is not done. Abortion is a blessing and our work is not done. Abortion is a blessing and our work is not done.
I want to thank all of you who protect this blessing - who do this work every day: the health care providers, doctors, nurses, technicians, receptionists, who put your lives on the line to care for others (you are heroes -- in my eyes, you are saints); the escorts and the activists; the lobbyists and the clinic defenders; all of you. You're engaged in holy work.
Abortion is a blessing to whom?
Today's Best Headline
From Big Hollywood; best headline of the day:
...and here's the next best headline of the day. Well, maybe "best" is the wrong word. Pathetic is much more appropriate:
Could he be a bigger embarrassment to this once great USA?
Quick!!! While He’s Outta the Country, Let’s Change it Back to ‘America’
...and here's the next best headline of the day. Well, maybe "best" is the wrong word. Pathetic is much more appropriate:
Barack Obama's gift for the Queen: an iPod, your Majesty
Could he be a bigger embarrassment to this once great USA?