2000 new or saved green jobs for China

Great news for China! President Obama's green jobs program will be a shot in the arm for China's ailing economy. More than 2000 jobs will be "created or saved" in China because of a new contract between China's largest wind turbine manufacturer and the soon to be largest wind turbine development located on 36,000 acres in West Texas:
Clean tech has seen a boost as the U.S. pours government funding into renewable energy, and China looks set to reap much of the benefits. Latest example: a Chinese wind-turbine company has just become the exclusive supplier for one of the largest wind-farm developments in the U.S.This will be fabulous news for the 10 to 15% of America's work force who are out of work.
The Shenyang Power Group has signed on to supply 240 of its massive 2.5-megawatt wind turbines to a 36,000-acre development in West Texas. The Wall Street Journal reports that the wind farm is also slated to receive $1.5 billion in financing from the Export-Import Bank of China.
Technology, Jeremy Hsu, energy, environment, renewable energy, Shenyang, wind farms, wind power, wind turbines
This comes as the U.S. has increasingly out-sourced much of its wind turbine development. Less than a quarter of wind turbine components installed in the U.S. came from domestic production, and Europe currently holds the lion's share of turbine manufacturing. A Norwegian firm launched the world's first full-scale floating wind turbine this September.
As a reflection of this, just 15 percent of the 2,800 new jobs from the new wind-turbine development will take the form of U.S. jobs. The U.S. government has tried to help the nation's renewable energy industry with $500 million in grants -- but it will likely take a while for U.S. wind power manufacturers to play catch-up after struggling with an uneven market.