Prager University: "The most important verse in the Bible"
Dennis Prager postulates on the "most important verse in the Bible" in this prescient 5 minute installment of Prager University. This is one of his best, in my opinion:
"He who shall introduce into public affairs the principles of primitive Christianity will change the face of the world." Benjamin Franklin
Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation.The laughing stock that is the Amerikan Big Media can't cover this story or any other stories that counter their leftist template because they are too heavily invested in the big lie. The big lie of everything the leftist "progressives" stand for is ever more frequently being exposed as fraudulent by no less than citizen journalists in the blogosphere and the talkers of Big Talk Radio.
"O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.
Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.
For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods.
In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is his also.
The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land.
O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker."
I finally beheld what my eyes had refused to see: that leftists are Mr. and Ms. Misogyny. Neither the males nor the females care a whit about women.Be sure to read the rest of this article. It's an important piece.
Women are continually sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. If under radical Islam women are enshrouded and stoned and beheaded, so be it.
My other epiphanies: those ponytailed guys were marching for abortion rights not because they cherished women's reproductive freedom, but to keep women available for free and easy sex.
And the eagerness for women to make good money? If women work hard, leftist men don't have to.
Then along came Sarah, and the attacks became particularly heinous. And I realized something even more chilling about the Left. Leftists not only sacrifice and disrespect women, but it's far worse: many are perpetuators.
The Left's behavior towards Palin is not politics as usual. By their laser-focus on her body and her sexuality, leftists are defiling her.
They are wilding her. And they do this with the full knowledge and complicity of the White House.
A farmer had some crops that needed to be harvested and he hired day laborers, agreeing to pay them $100 for working a 12-hour shift. The farmer was in a hurry to get his crops harvested, so he went out again two hours into the shift and hired more workers. He continued to look for laborers throughout the day, bringing in more laborers every hour. Finally, at seven o’clock, one hour before sunset, he brought in a dozen more workers to help finish the job.There are many other fine points the author points out in the Old and New Testaments which encourage capitalism and the free market.
He then lined the workers up to give them their pay and he paid first the workers who had only worked an hour. Those who stood, sweat dripping from their bodies from a 12-hour shift, smiled when they saw the one-hour hires get $100. They figured that meant they’d get paid extra. But to their horror, the farmer also paid them only $100.
They confronted the capitalist with the charges of favoritism and unjust discrimination. Rather than offering arbitration, the farmer responded, “I’m not doing you any wrong. Didn’t you agree to work for $100? Take your money and leave. I’ll pay the people who worked an hour the same as I paid you. Isn’t it lawful for me to do what I want with my own money?”
Who is this capitalist exploiter of workers who thinks he can pay people whatever he wants?
Most theologians will tell you this landowner represents none other than Christ himself. The names, currencies, and exact quotes have been changed, but the essence of the story Christ told in Matthew 20 hasn’t. It’s a helpful story to remember when Michael Moore is out telling us that capitalism is anti-Jesus.
Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.Kind of makes you ponder what's going on right here and now, doesn't it?
In May, Obama immediately issued a statement that he was "shocked and outraged by the murder" of a Kansas doctor specializing in partial-birth abortions. He called it a "heinous act of violence." Attorney-General Holder mobilized U.S. Marshals nationwide to provide protection to abortion clinics.How's that hope and change working for you so far?
But Obama remained silent the very next day when two U.S. soldiers were gunned down by a Muslim extremist outside a Little Rock recruiting station. After repeated prodding for a presidential comment, the White House faxed an after-hours statement to select media outlets two days later offering a tepid remark that Obama was "saddened" without even mentioning the soldiers were murdered.
Five months later, another Muslim fanatic gunned down nearly four dozen Americans, killing 13, at the Ft. Hood army base. It was an act that demanded the most serious demeanor of the military's Commander-in-Chief. Yet, Obama referenced the massacre in the most insincere fashion just seconds after a jocular shout-out to an audience member during a public speaking engagement. It was the equivalent of attending a funeral in swimwear while en route to the beach.
Property is the fruit of is a positive good in the world. That some should be rich shows that others may become rich, and hence is just encouragement to industry and enterprise. Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another; but let him labor diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built.What is going on in Washington DC right now is completely antithetical to what Lincoln believed and more importantly, what the Constitution stands for.
Congressmen who want to force Americans to buy health insurance--as both House and Senate versions of the health care plan would do--are saying 'the hell with the Constitution.'
Bryan, TX ( -- Planned Parenthood is attempting to silence a former abortion center director who quit working for the abortion business after seeing an ultrasound of an abortion procedure. Officials with the group are pushing a request for a restraining order on Abby Johnson and a pro-life group that helped her conversion.
Johnson had been the director of the Planned Parenthood center in this southeast Texas city that is home to Texas A&M University.
She turned in her resignation on October 6 after years of a local pro-life group helping her see the problem with abortion. After the ultrasound, she decided to leave.
"I just thought I can't do this anymore, and it was just like a flash that hit me and I thought that's it," she said.
Now, Planned Parenthood officials have hit both Johnson and the Coalition for Life with restraining orders requiring them not to disclose information about the abortions done at its facility.
They don't want Johnson to release any records or confidential information from her eight-year stint at the Planned Parenthood abortion business, even though she has already told media outlets she will not do so.
District Judge J.D. Langley signed the request for a temporary injunction on Friday and a followup hearing is scheduled for November 10. The injunction prevents Johnson from releasing any information she obtained from Planned Parenthood -- at least until the hearing.
Coalition Director Shawn Carney called Planned Parenthood's actions unnecessary and an overreaction and said there is no effort to release confidential records.
But Planned Parenthood attorneys claim Johnson was seen copying confidential files and records shortly before her resignation and the former director told The Eagle newspaper that she hasn't given any documents to the pro-life group.
"I didn't provide any because I don't have any," she said.
Johnson told The Eagle that Planned Parenthood is likely worried about how she could expose the profit motive behind the abortion industry.
"Definitely the most lucrative part of their business was abortions," she said. "One of the things that kept coming up was how family planning services were really dragging down the budget, and family planning services include education about contraceptives. It was a drain on the budget, but abortion services were really running up the budget and that was keeping the center afloat."
But Planned Parenthood claims a nurse practitioner at the abortion center says Johnson gave the pro-life group a document with her name and phone number on it.
Johnson has also said she was told to bring in more women for abortions -- something that contradicted her Episcopalian upbringing.
"I feel so pure in heart (since leaving). I don't have this guilt, I don't have this burden on me anymore that's how I know this conversion was a spiritual conversion," she said.
Johnson said she will now work with the Coalition For Life and has been meeting with Carney and been seen outside the Planned Parenthood helping women find alternatives.
"Reverand Wright Praises Marxism (And Obama IS Reverand Wright"Here are the 3 parts beginning with Part I:
Republican Dede Scozzafava endorsed her former Democratic opponent Sunday in the race for an upstate New York congressional seat, shaking up the contest for the second day in a row after exiting the race Saturday.Newt Gingrich, among others in the republican party, endorsed the liberal Scozzafava over the conservative Hoffman. Who will Gingrich and the liberal republicans endorse now...the democrat who Scozzafava has thrown her support to, or the conservative. This will be a very interesting race.
Scozzafava dropped out after Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman experienced a late-in-the-game surge. The move was expected to consolidate GOP voters behind Hoffman on Tuesday.
But on Sunday, Scozzafava issued a written statement in which she backed Democrat Bill Owens.
From Jake Tapper and Sunlen MillerI'm surprised the Clintons didn't use this reasoning when they were having to explain their questionable visitors when they resided at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Taking what officials call an "unprecedented" step in transparency, the White House released visitor logs today showing some popular names: William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, R. Kelly, and Malik Shabazz visiting the White House.
But, no – those are not who you think they are, official say; these famous people never really visited the White House – these are other people with the same name.
"There’s an important lesson here as well," Norm Eisen, special counsel to the president for ethics and government reform writes in a blog posting on the White House website, "This unprecedented level of transparency can sometimes be confusing rather than providing clear information. A lot of people visit the White House, up to 100,000 each month, with many of those folks coming to tour the buildings. Given this large amount of data, the records we are publishing today include a few "false positives" – names that make you think of a well-known person, but are actually someone else."
As 60 Minutes reported last week, Medicare fraud is rampant and has now replaced the cocaine (ahem) business as the major criminal activity in South Florida. Both 60 Minutes and the Washington Post report that Medicare fraud now costs American taxpayers roughly $60 billion a year. That may sound like a lot of money, but surely it pales next to the extraordinary profits of private insurance companies, right?
Well, let's see.... Last year, the profits of the ten largest insurance companies in America were just over $8 billion -- combined. No single insurance company made even five percent of what Medicare reportedly loses in fraud.
While we're making comparisons, in its real first ten years (2014-23), the Senate Finance Committee bill would cost $1.7 trillion. At the rate of last year's profits, the combined ten-year profits of America's ten largest insurance companies would be $83 billion -- five percent of the costs of the Senate Finance Committee bill. Eighty-three billion dollars may not buy you much in comparison with BaucusCare, but -- on the bright side -- that ten-year tally is somewhat more than what Medicare loses each year in fraud.
So, the next time someone alleges that government-run health care is cheaper because of "lower administrative costs" -- a truly preposterous claim on its surface -- these numbers would be good ones to have at the ready: $60 billion in annual Medicare fraud, $8 billion in combined annual profits for America's ten largest insurance companies.