Mexicans living in Mexico cross border to pick up U.S. Govt checks

Our Gov (Jan Brewer) has done a great job on this issue, and demanding action from the Prez, but most news is negative with the boycotts and sports teams getting involved. If the nation really knew what it is like was not like this when we moved here in '78. Go to the bank and nobody speaks English. Go to the Doctor, nobody speaks English. The schools in AZ are flooded with non English speaking students that we are required to teach. How can the class maintain a schedule when many in the class need help understanding what is being taught. Many times at work, I had crews show up that did not speak English. Communicating with them and getting the quality of work required was such a challenge. More than once, I threw an entire crew off my site. And if I could have called ICE or Sheriff Joe, without loosing my job, I would have.Did you catch that? Thousands are living in Mexican border towns and coming across the border EACH day to go to school and regularly come to the Post Office to pick up their govt check and RETURN HOME to Mexico!
There is a town on the border south of Yuma, San Luis, that has one of the largest, if not the largest Post Office in the State. On the date that the Government checks arrive in the mail, literally thousands of Mexicans come through the border crossing and pick up their checks and then return to Mexico. I have seen it. I have seen the Post Office. It is the largest building in the town. Also there and other border towns, at 7:00 each school day morning, school buses line up near the border entrances, school age kids come across, board the buses, attend American schools, after school, return by bus back to the border and return to home in Mexico. But you don't hear or see this on the news. Only occasionally do they talk about the drug mules, and human smuggling and the murders and home invasions at the border and now all the way to Phoenix. I have worked with non English speakers who came to the U.S. by hauling drugs. It's disgusting but I am made out to be a racist.
The above photo is the San Luis Post Office which does such a booming business thanks to all the illegals collecting their U.S. Government checks so they can send the money back to family members in Mexico.
Our tax dollars at work, gringo!