MSM Oversight:Gitmo Guards Often Attacked by Detainees
Thanks to AP, John Solomon and the Landmark Legal Foundation for finally shining the light of truth on the abusive prisoners for a change instead of our restrained guards...overly restrained guards.
Where are the politicians and MSM who decried the "torture" at Abu Graibe for weeks on end? Have they spoken up tonight about the abuse our guards have had to quietly endure?
And speaking of quiet endurance, what's with that anyway. Why haven't we publicized the outrageous conduct of the practitioners of the religion of peace? Why must everyone bend over backwards to protect the image of our Islamofascist enemies? Well, not everyone, just the MSM, the democrats, the ACLU and CAIR, and everyone else who yearns for the demise of this country.
Have Sens. Durban, Graham and McClain commented on these attacks on our guards yet? Don't these guys owe us some sort of explanation and/or apology for their screeds against Gitmo and how we've "abused" detained terrorists?
It's very unfortunate that these guards have had to put up with this abuse and it's even more unfortunate that this information has been buried for so long. Thanks to those who exposed the truth.
Hear what Mark Levin had to say about the newly released information about the Gitmo guards.