Quote of the Day
By George Will:
Seems to me that the future is approaching at breakneck speeds, and it isn't looking pretty.
Like I've been saying for years, the dems are now showing their true colors and although most of them are shying away from the "socialist" moniker, they're full blown leftists. You could even call them Marxists, but those unfamiliar with history would eschew that terminology (you might want to visit this site for some background information to see how far they've come) .
The republicans, weak-kneed followers that they are, have taken every opportunity to move to the left at the same hypersonic speed the left has moved to the extreme left which has left somewhat of a vacuum in the republican party. Conservatives now find themselves all alone with nowhere to go. What are they/we to do?
In times past when someone would say, "there's not a dimes difference between democrats and republicans," you might have been able to say, "that's not true...republicans want small government." Can't say that anymore!
Sure, there are some differences, but these days many conservatives have come to realize that the only difference between the dems and the repubs is the speed at which they take us to out and out socialism.
It's a sad state of affairs when republicans side with leftist democrats on basic things like free speech (McCain/Feingold) or when the president turns Ted Kennedy loose on the Department of Education. The conservatives I know and love don't even see a need for the Department of Education or a lot of other government agencies for that matter.
Now, we're threatened with an illegitimate "immigration" bill that has nothing to do with immigration but has everything to do with instantly making 12 to 30 million illegal aliens, now living here, legal. There will be no need for them to jump through the hoops to become U.S. citizens when they are given legal status.
This whole mess is nothing more than a smoke and mirrors effort to ramrod a bad bill down our throats to appease the bank rollers of those in office. I don't even need to prove that because in politics, perception IS reality.
There's more, friends. We have congressmen on both sides of the isle that are scared to death of Talk Radio and free speech. That, in itself, is very telling. They have every intention of stifling anyone or any instititution who have the means and ability to speak out in opposition of them. They have no problem with the Mainstream Media. They have no problem with left wing radio or left wing TV, but they DO have a problem with Talk Radio, FoxNews and the Internet. Why? Because Talk Radio, FoxNews and the Internet may have the gall to challenge their ideology, their records of achievement and (gasp!) their past, which is damning!
They have good reason to fear those who would ask legitimate questions. As trite as it sounds, they can't handle the truth.
Talk Radio is their most formidable foe and that's what they're going after first. Watch for it!
Sen. Trent Lott was on Hannity's radio show today attempting to explain his derisive comment about talk radio which he made last week. At the very least, it was an awkward interview. Not on Sean's part, but it seemed to me that Sen. Lott was doing an unrehearsed version of THE SIDESTEP (that wonderfully appropriate tune in The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas sung inimitably by Charles Durning...you had to see it, or at least hear it...use a little creativity folks...it's out there!). Sorry, Senator Lott...I didn't buy it (your story, that is...).
Here's an interesting piece worth reading which might give you some insight into Sen. Lott. This ditty exemplifies his opinions on fencing and how the blaring sound of tractors keep him from hearing this and that of importance. Both of those comments/excuses only make me flash back to Charles Durning as Governor singing that catchy tune linked above...(if you haven't seen that flick, it's well worth renting if only for the Durning moment alone).
Now is not the time to take your eyes off Washington. It's time to be ever more vigilant because there are far too many politicians seeking to take away or curb our basic freedoms guaranteed by the constitution and bill of rights.
Jab your tired cohorts and family members in the ribs. We all need to be wide awake!
The future has a way of arriving unannounced.
Seems to me that the future is approaching at breakneck speeds, and it isn't looking pretty.
Like I've been saying for years, the dems are now showing their true colors and although most of them are shying away from the "socialist" moniker, they're full blown leftists. You could even call them Marxists, but those unfamiliar with history would eschew that terminology (you might want to visit this site for some background information to see how far they've come) .
The republicans, weak-kneed followers that they are, have taken every opportunity to move to the left at the same hypersonic speed the left has moved to the extreme left which has left somewhat of a vacuum in the republican party. Conservatives now find themselves all alone with nowhere to go. What are they/we to do?
In times past when someone would say, "there's not a dimes difference between democrats and republicans," you might have been able to say, "that's not true...republicans want small government." Can't say that anymore!
Sure, there are some differences, but these days many conservatives have come to realize that the only difference between the dems and the repubs is the speed at which they take us to out and out socialism.
It's a sad state of affairs when republicans side with leftist democrats on basic things like free speech (McCain/Feingold) or when the president turns Ted Kennedy loose on the Department of Education. The conservatives I know and love don't even see a need for the Department of Education or a lot of other government agencies for that matter.
Now, we're threatened with an illegitimate "immigration" bill that has nothing to do with immigration but has everything to do with instantly making 12 to 30 million illegal aliens, now living here, legal. There will be no need for them to jump through the hoops to become U.S. citizens when they are given legal status.
This whole mess is nothing more than a smoke and mirrors effort to ramrod a bad bill down our throats to appease the bank rollers of those in office. I don't even need to prove that because in politics, perception IS reality.
There's more, friends. We have congressmen on both sides of the isle that are scared to death of Talk Radio and free speech. That, in itself, is very telling. They have every intention of stifling anyone or any instititution who have the means and ability to speak out in opposition of them. They have no problem with the Mainstream Media. They have no problem with left wing radio or left wing TV, but they DO have a problem with Talk Radio, FoxNews and the Internet. Why? Because Talk Radio, FoxNews and the Internet may have the gall to challenge their ideology, their records of achievement and (gasp!) their past, which is damning!
They have good reason to fear those who would ask legitimate questions. As trite as it sounds, they can't handle the truth.
Talk Radio is their most formidable foe and that's what they're going after first. Watch for it!
Sen. Trent Lott was on Hannity's radio show today attempting to explain his derisive comment about talk radio which he made last week. At the very least, it was an awkward interview. Not on Sean's part, but it seemed to me that Sen. Lott was doing an unrehearsed version of THE SIDESTEP (that wonderfully appropriate tune in The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas sung inimitably by Charles Durning...you had to see it, or at least hear it...use a little creativity folks...it's out there!). Sorry, Senator Lott...I didn't buy it (your story, that is...).
Here's an interesting piece worth reading which might give you some insight into Sen. Lott. This ditty exemplifies his opinions on fencing and how the blaring sound of tractors keep him from hearing this and that of importance. Both of those comments/excuses only make me flash back to Charles Durning as Governor singing that catchy tune linked above...(if you haven't seen that flick, it's well worth renting if only for the Durning moment alone).
Now is not the time to take your eyes off Washington. It's time to be ever more vigilant because there are far too many politicians seeking to take away or curb our basic freedoms guaranteed by the constitution and bill of rights.
Jab your tired cohorts and family members in the ribs. We all need to be wide awake!